Title: Lotophagi
Pairing: assumed Spike/Buffy, but it's not the point of the fic
Warning: Possibly disturbing Spike violence of the unredeemed kind
Word Count: 1,195
Author's Note: This fic...is an odd one. It's really a pretty meta-type fic as I wrote it after a run-in with someone who had a not-so-complimentary opinion on Spike's character. This
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Comments 37
That's just an interesting concept to me, and it served as a way to make the ending kinda tragic in a way.
There was a time when I thought that S6 was going to be more of a rebirth metaphor, and that Buffy's return from heaven was analogous to leaving the womb - yes, it's safe and warm and you're loved, and you have no responsibility, but nothing can ever happen there, and you need to leave it in order to really grow up. I don't think that things really played out that way, though.
*sob* That part got me to tear up. And the utter sadness of it, of an "enforced paradise" where she'll go on "missing him without remembering him" - it's just sitting in my gut like this horrible angsty horror. Oh, Buffy. Oh, Spike.
This was awesome.
Obviously, it's necessary to read your fic about Willow's hats after reading this one. Just to get the angst out. :)
Heroes in Hell by Glassdarkly
I actually started reading this by random chance while writing this fic. It amused me because it's another take on the "Buffy fights to get Spike out of Hell" trope, but it's much happier in the end.
Plus, it has some smut. And smut is awesome.
And...damn, your icon's sexy! Eyeliner + Spike = *swoon*
Chah! That's scary. I mean, we just survived the Bush Jr. years, so I can relate (except for the not being aware part). Now I've got this vision of Spike breaking Buffy out of a Heavenly opium den. Bunny!
Well done.
Glad you enjoyed the fic. :)
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