
Sep 10, 2007 09:06

I love being a seventh year. It's rather nice to be on top and in control, if you know what I mean. ;)

But unfortunately, even being a seventh year doesn't get you out of doing pointless assignments.... I'll be in the library.

---It was an incrediby long walk from the Slytherin quarters to the library. Her feet seemed to know the way without her ( Read more... )

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king_red September 10 2007, 18:49:11 UTC
"Get over yourself," Ron told her as he started down the aisle. He hadn't really been staring, he reasoned, just momentarily surprised that this section of the library had someone else in it when he rounded the corner.

"I'm waiting on you to get out of the way."

ooc: hope you don't mind. ;)


gabriella__ September 10 2007, 18:56:54 UTC
Gabi looked at the space behind her, then down at the spot where she was standing. "There's clearly plenty of room for you to walk around."

She rolled her eyes and looked down at the book in her hands. Gabi refused to move. After all, she had been there first.

ooc: Um, of course I don't. ;)


king_red September 10 2007, 18:59:37 UTC
"I need something off that shelf," he told her, hands shoved in his pockets.

They could play this little waiting game all day if she wanted to.


gabriella__ September 10 2007, 19:02:03 UTC
"Oh? Well so do I. Too bad for you." Gabi hadn't even looked up from the book as she spoke. Instead, she closed it and put it back on the shelf before grabbing another.

Of course, she was taking much more time than necessary.


king_red September 10 2007, 19:05:53 UTC
"All right then." He gave her a short nod before he walked over to stand beside her. Really, being that close to her just made him really want to hit her.

Instead, he settled for reaching across her to grab a book. The book he'd picked was random, but he looked it over as if he thought it might be useful.


gabriella__ September 10 2007, 19:11:30 UTC
Gabi looked at Ron with disgust, but simply shook her head and went back to looking over the book she had taken down. Of course, being that close to Ron Weasley made her skin crawl, but Gabi refused to move.

That would be giving in to a Gryffindor.

She moved to put the book back and in the process of doing so hit Ron in the head with it. "Now really, don't you think it's a little dangerous to be standing so close? I mean, you could be badly injured. Or something."


king_red September 10 2007, 19:14:44 UTC
He glared at her for probably a full 30 seconds. It took a lot of effort not to rub at the back of his head where she'd hit him.

"Unless someone a lot bigger than you shows up," Ron started, leaning across her to put the book back and pushing her back a step in the process (on accident, of course). "I think I'm fine."


gabriella__ September 10 2007, 19:22:22 UTC
Clenching her jaw, Gabi refrained from lashing out at the red haired boy. Instead, she forced a smile and returned her heated gaze to the book shelf in front of them. Gabriella took a step back, as if getting out of the way. But as she did, her wand slipped down her sleeve and into her hand.

"Accio book," she said quickly, pointing to a particularly thick volume that sat directly in front of Ron's groin.

ooc: dude, this is going even better than i expected


king_red September 10 2007, 19:48:33 UTC
Realizing what she was doing before the words left her mouth was nearly impossible. He tried to move to the side fast enough, but the book still clipped the inside of his leg. At least it wasn't full force right in the crotch.

He bit down on his lip to keep down the expletives that he nearly yelled at the Slytherin and leaned a hand against the shelf for a second to regain his composure. Whatever little battle they'd just started, he decided wasn't going to end with him backing down to some Slytherin bitch.

"That's cute, Nott," he told told her about the same time he said his own charm to make a shelf give way and the two books (it was a top shelf and the books were just duplicates that were up there) on it come tumbling down toward her.

ooc: hahah I knoooow


gabriella__ September 10 2007, 19:54:44 UTC
Without thinking, Gabi took a step back, narrowly escaping a ton of books falling onto her head. Several of them hit her feet heavily, sending shooting pains up both of her legs. But she refused to let it show. It seemed they were in a war of who could hurt who worse.

Glaring at Ron, Gabi whipped her wand downwards toward the pile of fallen books. Pages ripped away from their bindings and flew at Ron in a whirlwind of aged paper.


king_red September 10 2007, 20:08:00 UTC
What in hell was she trying to do? Papercut him to death? It actually hurt worse than he'd let on. There was just simply no way to dodge all the pages that were circling around him.

In retaliation, through the paper he somehow managed to flick his wand at the empty bindings on the floor. The books took on an appearance much like the old CoMC books, and snapped their covers shut heavily anytime they could get something in them- fingers, arm, hair, knee, anything. There was a lot more force behind the things than you would expect from old book covers.

With all the noise they were making, it probably wouldn't be that long before Pince or a whole crew of other students showed up.


gabriella__ September 10 2007, 20:23:09 UTC
Gabi had to cover her mouth to keep from shrieking. Trying to step on the snapping book covers, she knew that if they got her, some very nasty bruises would be left behind.

Enough of this nonsense!

"Curbrum!" Her wand was pointed directly at Ron as the flashing red sparks of a Jelly-Brain Jinx shot outwards.


king_red September 10 2007, 21:57:42 UTC
"Impedimenta!" He shot back, his wand aimed at Gabriella- or at least that's where it had been meant to be aimed.

Instead, maybe he aimed a little too low. It hit the sparks from her wand in and they turned purple in mid-air. The blast from the two spells was a lot more than Ron had expected. It echoed between the rows of books and sent the purple sparks flying at both the Gryffindor and the Slytherin.


gabriella__ September 10 2007, 22:05:37 UTC
The mixture of spells hit Gabi square in the chest at the exact same time that it hit Ron. She felt herself thrown backwards onto the floor and a couple of books fell down from the shelves and landed on her.

With a groan, Gabi sat up. Her entire body hurt from the impact of the floor and the books that had toppled down. Not to mention the fact that she suddenly had a spliting headache. Of course, Madame Pince's screams didn't help at all.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" The librarian was rushing down the aisle, being careful not to step on any books or random pages that littered the floor. "Detentions, detentions, detentions!! Get up, both of you! NOW!"


king_red September 10 2007, 22:11:08 UTC
Ron ended up on his side under his own pile of books. He thought maybe he lost consciousness for a second when he suddenly heard screaming.

Rolling onto his back, he pushed the books off and blinked up at the ceiling for a long time before he pushed himself up.

"Sorry. Sorry, we're getting there, Merlin." He shook his head to try to clear it, and didn't really even look at anything until he'd dragged himself to his feet. When he did, the first figure he made out clearly was her.


gabriella__ September 10 2007, 22:19:43 UTC
It was difficult, but Gabi somehow managed to get onto her feet. Brushing herself off, she looked up and saw Ronald Weasley gazing at her. Whatever had just happened, it looked as though he were hurt. Blood was trickling from a small cut on his cheek.

"Are you okay?" she asked him, taking a few unsteady steps towards Ron. Gabi reached out and gently wiped away the streak of blood. The librarian and mess of books was momentarily forgotten. Until Madam Pince reminded her.

"What on earth did you two do?! Oh... my poor books. You will severely pay for this. Just wait until I tell the headmaster what you've done!"


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