Train ride! Open to anyone. :)

Aug 31, 2007 11:58

There were people all around, saying goodbye, searching frantically through their things. Gabi rolled her eyes as one younger student stopped right in front of her because he had dropped his owl. Idiot.She had no one to say goodbye to, no one to wish her farewell. So Gabi wasn't hesitant to boarding the train once her things were secured in the ( Read more... )

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emiko_yoshida September 1 2007, 01:00:51 UTC
As she made her way through the train, Emiko caught sight of a few familiar faces. She wasn't particularly close with either of them, but at the very least she knew they were Slytherin-- which counted for something.

She watched as one, and moments later the other, ducked into a compartment. If it was at all possible, she'd rather share with girls from her own house.

"Hate to be a bother," she said stopping outside of their compartment, "but woud you mind if I join you?"


xblodwyn September 1 2007, 02:49:44 UTC
Blodwyn looked up from where she had been examining her nails carefully for lack of better things to do as the train geared up to start. "Mmm," she muttered vaguely with a small smile, and looked back down, an approving gesture. She recognized the girl as a Slytherin in Ben's year - one below - and supposed it wouldn't make much difference. Better than a Hufflepuff. Or that strange Lovegood girl. Or anyone other than the people she didn't mind, really, which didn't seem to allow for much.


gabriella__ September 1 2007, 03:24:26 UTC
"Might as well," Gabi said with a nod to the younger Slytherin. "Just make sure you close the door behind you."

She picked up her magazine for a moment and tried to find where she'd left off. But it seemed to be a fruitless search. "So Emiko, how was your summer? Glad to be going back to school?"


emiko_yoshida September 1 2007, 03:43:47 UTC
Emiko was half-tempted to smile as both girls agreed to let her sit with them, but instead only nodded in reply. She stepped in, closing the door behind herself as instructed, and sat down with her light traveling bag.

She was about to rifle through it and find something to do until she was adressed by Gabriella. She looked up with a bit of a shrug.

"It was fine, I guess. Blew by quicker than I could count the days, though."

She decided not to mention how dismayed she actually was about not going to France with her parents and being stuck at Hogwarts again when she replied thoughtfully, "it's always a little refreshing at the start of a new year. Future prospects and all. How about you? Anything interesting occur over break?"


gabriella__ September 1 2007, 04:13:24 UTC
"Hardly," Gabi said, quickly losing interest. She could hear others go back and forth outside and rolled her eyes. The train jerked forward a little, causing Gabi to mutter under her breath. But finally, they were leaving the station.

"Well, Blodwyn, here goes our final trip."


xblodwyn September 1 2007, 05:05:05 UTC
Blodwyn raised her eyebrows. "Final trip indeed. Last time we'll ever have the privilege of bumping into rowdy first-years in the train corridor, jockey for a compartment with disagreeable Gryffindors, or survive on tooth-numbing sweets."

She gave a bit of a sincere smirk at this last one. The tooth-numbing sweets, every once a year, were something she did enjoy.


emiko_yoshida September 1 2007, 11:11:33 UTC
Emiko smiled slightly. Though this wasn't her last trip, she could agree with Blodwyn's sentiments.

She was actually starting to see her two companions for the trip as more than just familiar faces from the halls of school. Though this was a long stretch since only minutes had passed.

Not wanting to start off on a bad foot, she decided to let the girls continue on their conversation without her rather than disturb them. She lifted a magazine out of her bag and began flipping through it without interest, stopping every now and then to skim a page.


gabriella__ September 1 2007, 12:58:05 UTC
"And to think that once this school year is over, we won't have to see all those idiotic Gryffindors. Sometimes I wish I could just hex them all," Gabi said, more to herself than anyone else. She turned her head to look out the window when suddenly the news that Cessy had shared with her days before popped into her head. It was just as she was about to share the gossip when she remembered her promise not to say a word.

Disdained, she looked back to the other two girls. "Heard anything interesting about our dear schoolmates over the summer?"


emiko_yoshida September 2 2007, 01:52:35 UTC
Emiko thought over that question many times. Considering that she didn't talk to any of her classmates over the summer, she hadn't heard much.
This, she decided, was not something she cared to broadcast. Nor did she hope to bore the girls with her lack of information.

With the best of her judgment perhaps she could find a way around both. Raising a brow slightly she caught eye contact with Gabriella.

"Of all the things floating about them, I'm sure you'd be quicker to know the best of it than I," she admitted casually.


xblodwyn September 2 2007, 02:50:54 UTC
"Nothing, really," Blodwyn said, tearing her eyes away from the ever-so-interesting view of green fields out her window. Ugh. "Only the usual. Rumours of Hufflepuffs getting pregnant and the like. Hufflepuffs actually getting pregnant, but that's old news by now."

She gave a bit of a disdaining sniff. Pregnant, indeed.


gabriella__ September 2 2007, 02:54:42 UTC
At the word pregnant, Gabi perked up a little. But... Hufflepuffs getting pregnant? Not that that was any surprise, but still. She wanted so badly to tell about the Slytherin who had gotten knocked up.

"Another Huffle has gone and screwed up her life? I'm positively stunned," Gabi said sarcastically, a smirk forming on her lips.


xblodwyn September 2 2007, 02:57:51 UTC
Blodwyn raised her eyebrows. "I'm shocked you didn't hear," she said. "Hilton. She's doing work at Hogwarts with Pomfrey this year, most unfortunately. I saw plenty of her at Tracey's over the summer and it is getting rather obvious."

She smirked, looking back at the window. She could see a tiny town on the top of a hillside now. "Miles' baby," she added offhandedly. "Don't know what he sees in her."


gabriella__ September 2 2007, 03:04:32 UTC
Gabriella nearly fell off of her seat. "Miles'?! Miles got Hilton pregnant?!

How could Gabi not have heard about this sooner? Not that she cared one inkling about the Hufflepuff graduate, but still. And if what Cessy told her was true.... Man, Miles was in a hellhole of trouble.


xblodwyn September 2 2007, 03:44:16 UTC
Blodwyn tilted her head, following her train of thought. "Then again, I don't see what most people think of the Hufflepuff," she said, disgust rather evident in her voice. "She seems to be rather good friends with Tracey now."

She gave a bit of a laugh. "It seems standards are falling. At least nobody I care about is idiotic enough to get pregnant."


gabriella__ September 2 2007, 03:48:44 UTC
With a dry laugh, Gabi nodded her head. "Right. Idiotic. You're friends with Tracey, aren't you? I'm not too fond of her myself, though I don't have much of a choice other than to tolerate her, seeing as we share a room."

But I will not tolerate a baby crying in the middle of the night. Bloody tramp.

Her eyes were fixed on Blodwyn's face for a moment before she turned her gaze out the window again. Her forehead rested against the cool glass and she couldn't help but laugh again.


xblodwyn September 2 2007, 03:59:15 UTC
Something in Gabi's words made Blodwyn frown slightly. The connection between idiotic and Tracey, perhaps? She thought of it for a moment, but shook it off. It was probably nothing.

"I suppose I could consider us friends," Blodwyn said instead, eyes on Gabriella. "Though her actions as of late have had me a little unsettled."


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