Jan 02, 2010 22:01
With Christmas this year MY family spent the time up by my parents. There are times when the hole of Robert's existance is painfully evident, and this Christmas showed that change isn't always something we want. After doing some digging around my closet working on straitening it up I found the last page of old Livejournal updates that I printed out for my mom to try to make some sense of where Robert was when he left us. It talks about change.To say that I have changed would be an understatement. I am constantly changing to adapt to where I am in life. I have come so far from where I used to be...and I wish I could have led Robert here with me.
Love you Robert. We all still miss you terribly. <3
"October 24th, 2005:
Life is full of change. Being someone who rather enjoys life I see it everywhere. You have natural and recurring changes, the seasons are just one example, another being life and death. It's one big cycle. Human life and emotions are rather different. In a cycle of perfect order (Mother Nature's), human beings are too chaotic to just simply fit. We stand out and force things to adapt to us, rather than adapt ourselves. It's sad how much things and times have changed.
I'm changing, and my life is changing. It's entertaining to a degree because for such a long time I forced everything to not change. I kept things under such logical and methodical precision that I became something in likeness to a robot. But inside this robot is a fire than burns hotter than the sun. There are emotions under the crust of me and they've begun to burst through the layers of machine I've laid down atop of it. I've let go and am hoping to land gracefully."