Apr 30, 2008 12:17
We live in an "Emoticon society"... the smiling idiots who try to sell you crap, the tired vendors who prepare you cheap- yet overpriced- crappy food, the televangelists, the Walmart greeters, the ads on television.... people who act like they are here to listen and help, yet do neither.
People who try to force an emotion- often one perceived as positive- so intensely they wear it like a mask on their face. I call them emoticon people- I've lived with them and even gotten intimate with a few, and they've very sad, hopelessly insecure people- beneath the surface, they're as vacant as a rundown mall.
Hmmm.... here are some emoticon people...
XD Mr. Ha-ha... in real life, dull, sad and pathetically lonely. He can't think of anything funny to say, but craves humor to hide his loneliness...so he hangs around those who have a sense of humor, bugging them until they purposely aviod him... often eventually becomes something even more fake...
>.> The Rebel... the 'No Fear' t-shirts, quoting Metallica, will get in an argument over how deep (insert any anime title here) is, goes places so he can act like he's seen it all before (so why's he there?). Acts like he seeks truth but hasn't questioned himself for any of it yet. Occasionally goes to conventions to look bored. For many decades, this breed popularized the leather jacket... now often wears the cheaper jean jacket, complete with frayed "I'm so raw and tough" edges.
;P Mr. Sexxxie... completely insecure, seeks affection & acceptance through sex. He acts all lovey-dovey and fawns over you, until you say that one thing- and believe me, if you're a normal person, you'll say it eventually- then turns ice cold or blows up with rage. You hurt him, how dare you! Not entirely socially adjusted- may live at home... may bring you home to fuck while mommie tries to sleep. Often gets posssessive. Would love a family of his own, but usually is no closer to getting one than someone who has a dozen cats to take the place of people.
:$ Mr. Seize The Sale... even in his off-time from his job, he'll try to sell you a phone, vinyl siding, or free website membership. Nevermind that his personal life is falling apart, his girl left him and he'll soon be evicted... put on a happy face and seize the sale!!!! I'm reminded of Brad from "I Heart Huckabees". Wants to be a hero, and thinks going corporate office will make it happen for him.
revenge of the emoticon people!