Domicile, Prologue 1

May 25, 2016 17:50

Ralph Balmont was looking up at the ceiling of his jail cell, doing his best to ignore the cold that permeated the entire space. That wasn't his biggest problem by far, at the moment- he had to maintain his focus to avoid his claustrophobia, which would send him into a panic if he let it take over. His solution was to calm his mind by imagining calming, soothing music so intently that his entire mind was preoccupied by it.

Ralph's favorite band was Pink Floyd, so he immediately thought of one of David Gilmour's instrumental pieces, closed his eyes, and let his mind drift. Ralph soon was picturing himself being carried along by a gentle current of bubbling liquid, weightless. It may only be imaginary, but it gave Ralph peace to know he could still control himself, if nothing else in his life.

At first, Ralph had thought the liquid was clear, like bubbly soda, but as he drifted along, he noticed it getting thicker and cloudy, until he detected a hint of red in it. Ralph knew immediately it was blood, and yet, somehow this made him feel more at ease. Blood is natural, blood brings us life, in all forms. Why should a man fear part of his nature? Why, without it, we would have no pulse, no energy, no erections that lead to even more life. Yes, something about this blood made Ralph feel like he was in the womb, safe and protected.

Ralph smiled, realising he was making the best of a bad situation. Little did he suspect this was the morning he was about to be released from jail to face the uncertain world again.

domicile, 2nd draft

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