The room is fairly nice, all things considered. There are several chairs, a porta-cot set up discreetly against one wall for visitors that for one reason or another are reluctant to leave, and it's clear that whoever designed this particular private room in the first place intended to make it seem as warm and welcoming as possible
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She tries to be as quiet as she can, as the red and blue lights play on her face once again, but the posture is awkward and she is, perhaps, ill at ease, surrounded by the full might of a machina society, all bent on preserving one life.
There's a bell that hangs by a thin cord from the end of her staff; it jingles, clear and sweet among the beeps and gusts.
If any of the hospital staff step in, he wants to be able to intercept and explain.
"Wŏ hăo-- I'm-- who are you?"
Yuna stills the bell with her free hand, and drops back on her heels. She darts a glance at Simon before speaking. "I'm Yuna. Simon brought me to check on you."
She speaks clearly and calmly; more self-possessed than a wisp of a seventeen year old girl really ought to be. "I was there, when you were--unconscious. In the bar."
"I'm sorry I woke you."
He's disoriented, and despite that is visibly pulling himself together, trying to clear his head. Gabriel smiles, a little.
"Well, in that case -- gāoxìng jìandào nĭ, Miss Yuna."
He's a maester among his own people, in a sense, and an elder, after all. "I'm very pleased to meet you." She leans her staff against the wall. "And to tell you that there doesn't seem to be any lingering magical harm. Only the physical wounds, and those are healing."
"You were poisoned," she tells him; it's odd coming from her youthful face, but it's the half-reproving informational tone of any nurse or doctor telling you you tore your stitches or broke your leg. Next time be more careful.
He lifts one hand, seemingly unaware that he's doing it, and rubs at his chest as he looks to his son.
"It's all healing very cleanly," she repeats. "And in my world, at least," she adds, aiming for a light tone, "a few scars are considered very distinguished, for a man of a certain age."
Gabriel's tone is dryly amused.
There's a darkness in his eyes that says differently, but he sounds sincere enough, at least.
"I could offer you healing," she says, speaking calmly and without the hesitancy that sometimes marks her language. "But I understand it might be be difficult to explain. But still, it's your choice."
And not anyone else's, now that he's awake enough to make it.
He steps back and closes the door to the room, carefully.
(Any hospital staff passing by, or coming in about their duties, don't need to hear this.)
His speech slows, and his enunciation grows a trifle more precise: "Galadan thought it would lead to trouble later if, if you were seen to be injured and then shortly thereafter seen with no traces of the injury."
She touches her staff, not yet picking it up. "I'm a healer," she says. "In my world we call it white magic, tofortify and heal the body and spirit, and ward them from evil influence."
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