"Cake and grief counselling will be available at the conclusion of the test." *

Nov 11, 2008 17:46

To cleanse my palate between Fallout and Fallout2, I played Portal. All I knew about the game (because, like Bioshock, I ran away any time I even thought it might be mentioned) was that it was raved about by everyone, was quite short, and involved portals.

I'm glad that I came to it without any knowledge of what was required, because it meant I had to work it out for myself - which is kind of the point of the game in the beginning. I found the process of understanding what I was supposed to be doing was pretty immersive. So all I'll say is that it's not an FPS, it's more of an First-Person Puzzler.

It's also very funny and has tons of wonderfully quoteable lines. It's well written and well acted. I LOLed repeatedly. The gameplay is clever and inventive.

It is short. I finished it in about 5 1/2 hours (which I thought was quite reasonable until I saw all the people on the Internet claiming 2-3 hours. I admit to standing around like a moron missing something really obvious a couple of times :o). I thought it was about the right length though tbh. And with my massive backlog, the occasional sub-20hour game really doesn't go amiss. Especially not when they're this entertaining.

*(The cake is a lie.)


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