Don’t have the time or ability to commit to a 15,000+ word story? Barely passed art class by accidentally creating abstract art?
Never fear! There are other ways to participate in a challenge like this, and they’re just as important as the authors and artists. Check out all the ways you can join in!
Beta ReadersAll stories must be beta’d for this
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Comments 15
Your e-mail address: jennytork @
What you're signing up as (Alpha, Beta, Cheerleader): Beta and cheerleader
Are you also signing up as an author or artist? And if yes, which? No -- lack of time.
What are your preferences? (Gen, Slash, Het, specific pairings): Gen only, please
Do you have anything you absolutely won't be willing to read? (Pairings, Themes): slash, non-con of any stripe
Your e-mail address:
What you're signing up as (Alpha, Beta, Cheerleader): Alpha Reader/Cheerleader
Are you also signing up as an author or artist? And if yes, which? None
What are your preferences? (Gen, Slash, Het, specific pairings):Do you have anything you absolutely won't be willing to read? (Pairings, Themes): I'm pretty fine with whatever, I do tend to read more hardcore NC-17 stuff generally so I'm fine with anything really!
Your e-mail address:
What you're signing up as (Alpha, Beta, Cheerleader): all of the above :)
Are you also signing up as an author or artist? And if yes, which? Nope
What are your preferences? (Gen, Slash, Het, specific pairings): Anything, although I do prefer Sabriel in terms of ships.
Do you have anything you absolutely won't be willing to read? (Pairings, Themes): Some darker BDSM themes, but I'll do mostly anything :D
Your e-mail address:kalinda.little @
What you're signing up as (Alpha, Beta, Cheerleader): Alpha
Are you also signing up as an author or artist? And if yes, which? artist, because I missed the writer deadline.
What are your preferences? (Gen, Slash, Het, specific pairings):I prefer Sam/Gabe as far as slash goes but will read most things. just ask and I'll say, one way or the other.
Do you have anything you absolutely won't be willing to read? (Pairings, Themes): underage, a few other things. I'll let you know.
Your e-mail address:
What you're signing up as (Alpha, Beta, Cheerleader): Beta/Alpha
Are you also signing up as an author or artist? And if yes, which? No :( Too late
What are your preferences? (Gen, Slash, Het, specific pairings): Any, as long as it's got Gabriel! :)
Do you have anything you absolutely won't be willing to read? (Pairings, Themes): Nope
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