Well, I missed all but the fourth quarter of the Ravens/Jets game, but oh, was the Jets offense bad. But the worst was their last drive. They had a chance to get in field goal range and win the game, but blew it like rookies. I'll give them the failure of the second down-that Raven who drilled the receiver at the perfect moment to create an incomplete pass without getting an interference call executed the prettiest tackle I've seen in ages-but that fourth down was abominable. You have a chance to win the game, a lack of a first down conversion guarantees your loss, you get a completed pass with a solid thirty-five seconds left on the clock, and the receiver steps out of bounds a foot before the first down line? Are you kidding me? Guys, I have no particular loyalty to the Ravens and I could have cheered for you instead, but not if you're going to play like that. The Ravens at least brought an actual game to the field. Oy.
The Chargers/Chiefs game, though, was fantastic. I grew up in San Diego, so aside from the Broncos, I cheer for the Bolts. But while I'd rather have seen the Chargers win-and I would far rather at least have seen the Chargers tie late in the fourth and send it to OT; OT's great no matter who wins-I have to admit that the Chiefs played beautifully and deserved that game. Besides, the fans who packed out that stadium despite the driving rain deserved to see a win for that level of devotion. But why are there always guys sitting out there in inclement weather without a shirt? Is it a sports fandom thing? Is it a macho thing? The team plays no better if you paint your chests, guys, and machismo is worth little in the face of pneumonia. Surely testosterone is compatible with common sense? And they say that women are strange creatures. :P
Hannah! Did you see that the Colts are playing the Giants next Sunday night? Manning vs Manning! I am SO GLAD that's the evening game so we can both see it. :D
To make up for the football talk (although I'm not actually repentant about that, and fair warning: it's likely to continue each Sunday and Monday through December), I have some random fun stuff beneath the cut. Because I love you guys almost as much as I love football. O:-)
CUSTOM BLENDED SERENITY AND DR HORRIBLE INSPIRED TEAS. I'm not even much of a tea drinker and I want these.
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