I found Howard Zinn's
A People's History of the United States at the Goodwill today! Score! Also
The Kite Runner and
To Kill a Mockingbird, though neither of them will be read right away; I'm currently reading
Blood Sisters: The French Revolution in Women's Memory, which itself will be set aside once my Amazon order for
To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland arrives, but then it's back to Blood Sisters, and I think A People's History may have to be next. Fiction can wait for the moment; I'm on a history kick.
Having many unread books to draw upon makes me so happy, you guys. SO HAPPY.
And a QotD: "Skulls aren't badass. They're nothing without muscles. The muscular system, now that's badass." -Mandy, upon seeing a car with skull stickers on the back window.
So many things to do for C5 still. Must...not...read...