QotD: "I have eaten someone's delicious soul." - Fez, That 70's Show
I fell asleep sitting up last night. I knew I was exhausted and should just go to bed, but I'd stumbled upon a show called "The Madness of King Henry VIII" on the National Geographic channel, and I have a serious weakness for Henry VIII's reign and marital adventures. (Katherine of Aragon all the way. Henry was a class A jackass.) I fell asleep just before Henry renounced Pope Clement and established the Church of England (didn't even get to Katherine's death - meh) and woke up a little more than an hour later to an infomercial and a sore nose, because I'd been leaning the side of my head against my bed's headboard and the nosepiece of my glasses was pressing hard against my poor nose. The glasses survived just fine, but my nose is still sore. Not to mention that now I very much want to read about Henry VIII, and I had thought I owned Alison Weir's The Six Wives of Henry VIII, but it turns out I don't. I do have her The Children of Henry VIII; maybe I'll read a few chapters of that tonight. Or The Princes in the Tower, even though it doesn't involve Henry. I quite like Alison Weir's writing.
From my sister, the news whore (seriously, I don't even need to look anything up; she always gets there first and sends me links):
Men's Underwear Sales Reveal Economic Crisis And for your daily dose of awesomeness beyond words (also from Mandy :p ):
Grandmother Crocheted During 30-Hour Wait For Rescue I have 4941 posts at the JC. I kind of feel like I should write a fic so I can use my 5000th post on a story of my own, but no vig bunnies are biting at the moment. Of course, after talking to Yubsie earlier and hearing about the awesomeness of a BSG death scene, I have a vague urge to kill a character. And considering the general fluffiness of L/M fandom these days, it's always fun to write angsty stuff and watch the reactions. I haven't killed Mara for a while. Come to think of it, have I ever killed Luke? Maybe it's his turn. O:-)
Oh, my stars. I just saw a commercial for Hannah Montana: The Movie. Oh, my head.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
Hee. I don't remember where I found this icon, but it cracks me up. Whether it's the pun, the stick figure drawing, or the little dagger the Trojan is holding in one hand as he hacks into the computer, I do not know. But it makes me laugh every time. :D
The creator of this icon said she used a t-shirt image from threadless.com, and what an awesome t-shirt it would be. Because sometimes, words just will not do. I find that this is a very useful icon for such times. Also, the mental image of myself explaining profic ranting or JC OMGdr4m4!!11!1 via interpretive dance amuses me greatly.
Secondarily, it reminds me of the Saturday night party at C4 where Bri first posed Emperor's Hand style with Marissa's lightsaber, then did the Sprinkler. And any memory of either Bri or C4 is pretty awesome, so memories of the two together are awesome squared. :p
I love the flash movie this icon comes from. It's
The End of the World. (It's loud, so turn down your speakers. Also, lots of profanity in this one. Fair warning.) It's all about how the world could end by nuclear war. And that shouldn't be funny. But it is. :p I particularly like the nuclear missiles passing each other ("Yo." "Whatup?") and the end, which is where this icon comes from. Because if the world doesn't end via nuclear winter, according to the movie all Californians have to fear is breaking off from the mainland on account of earthquakes and going to hang with Hawaii. "Alaska can come too. THE END!" The image of California, Hawaii, and Alaska all chilling together out in the Pacific just cracks me up. :D
I don't know who made this icon, and I can't even remember the episode this line comes from. But it's such a great angry icon. I picture myself within the angry dome when I'm doing profic ranting. (ANGRY interpretive dance!) And since it's long since been established that I'm an old fogie, it's doubly apropos. :D
Courtesy of
snarkel. Because mocking one's fandom is the only healthy thing to do sometimes. :D
"There's too much confusion; I can't get no relief."
As probably everyone knows by now, I've been a Bob Dylan fan basically my entire life. My father's been listening to Dylan's music since before I was born, so I don't recall a time when I wasn't familiar with it. All Along the Watchtower is one of the songs I specifically remember hearing from a very young age, so it's one of my favorites. Bob Dylan icons aren't hard to find on LJ, but they all focus on pictures of the man himself rather than his lyrics, so I made a few text-based ones to showcase lyrics. This is a great all around icon. On a profound level, it encompasses the entire human situation. On a more absurd LJ level, it has great potential to confuse people. :D Or at least, it did until BSG used it. Now everyone probably just thinks I'm a BSG fan. :p
Now I have to go listen to All Along the Watchtower. :p