Invincible review, part 1 - oh so many spoilers

May 15, 2008 16:59

You all know the drill. Spoilers and snark ahead. Gotta squeeze some fun out of this series somehow.

click here for SPOILERS )

invincible, profic ranting, lotf, expanded universe, star wars

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gabri_jade May 17 2008, 03:41:18 UTC
I've always liked the Verpines myself, and yeah, climbing over the wounded ones isn't great Jedi behavior. Not even real great civilized being behavior.

I agree about the pet name thing; it's just that I'd imagine calling him "Boba" would have the same effect. I don't know why she'd jump to the "Bob'ika" strategy.

Smashing nanotech into the walls with air to deactivate it: not sure about this, but I was weirdly fond of Jaina and Jacen's ability to move molecules around to heat the air or freeze water in Crystal Star. So... um... I'm not sure I actually had a point there.

*grins* I can't remember anything from Crystal Star, so I can't comment on that. What puzzles me about this section was that Jaina simply how a strong flow of air seemed to turn gas into liquid, but if the gas itself was merely the vehicle for the nanotech and the wind pushed the gas back and out from under the nanotech, so to speak, I guess I can see how the tech would fall to the walls and floor in a liquid-like state. *still pondering*

Also, I bet there are a whole lot of people in the galaxy who say things like "Good luck, kid."

One would think. *facepalm*

I agree with you that there are problems here... I'd add that it's also a lot like Obi-Wan's sophistry about Anakin and Vader being different people. This may be where the LotF Jedi got it, depending on how it plays out (I don't really know the relationship since I haven't been reading along) but you'd sort of think Luke would still know better, and Han was less enamored of Obi-Wan than Luke was. Although maybe it's supposed to be an illustration of how easy a trap it is to fall into in one's thinking, or something, when a loved one has done something horrible?

If it's meant to be a take on Obi-Wan's words, it's another EU screw-up IMO, because I think Luke realized pretty well after Obi-Wan explained it in RotJ that he was using symbolic language to avoid a straight out lie while still protecting him. I don't think Luke ever truly thought of Anakin and Vader as entirely separate people. Denning might have meant it as an illustration, but it's awfully disconcerting to read about Han practically cheering his daughter on in her quest to assassinate her brother.

And if they did, wouldn't his dalliance with the dark in Dark Empire have done the job just as well? Or if that's being ignored by the rest of canon now, his quite personal rage at Vader, when he's hacking away at him right before chopping off an arm brings him to his senses?

No kidding. If it's one strike and you're out, then the average length anyone can remain a pure Jedi is probably about a day. Jedi are no more perfect than anyone else. I don't buy this explanation at all.

*gigglefit* Wellll, actually since self-delusion seems to be a large part of multiple falls, I might buy an ex-Jedi Sith blithering about that....

I wonder if I could write a vignette about that. :p

Wouldn't it be easier to fry the wiring or something? Or is this supposed to make the recording look normal instead of like the vidcam is having a migraine?

Well, the Force technique does have the advantage of working at a distance, as opposed to frying the wiring. But I still don't think they should be using the Force for every last little thing, or even that they can. And no, the flashes don't make the recording look normal. It's like a burst of static. A non-Force sensitive would assume it's a tech glitch; a Force-sensitive might figure out what caused it, but the recording would still be screwed up.


persephone_kore May 17 2008, 05:03:52 UTC
I agree about the pet name thing; it's just that I'd imagine calling him "Boba" would have the same effect. I don't know why she'd jump to the "Bob'ika" strategy.

I still cling to the theory that she figured that was the most annoying option.

If it's meant to be a take on Obi-Wan's words, it's another EU screw-up IMO, because I think Luke realized pretty well after Obi-Wan explained it in RotJ that he was using symbolic language to avoid a straight out lie while still protecting him. I don't think Luke ever truly thought of Anakin and Vader as entirely separate people. Denning might have meant it as an illustration, but it's awfully disconcerting to read about Han practically cheering his daughter on in her quest to assassinate her brother.

I don't think Luke separated them, but I think Obi-Wan did -- and I think the name change could well be meant to produce that effect, most of all in the Sith himself. The metaphor could have invaded at some point. Except that still wouldn't explain Han doing it.

Well, the Force technique does have the advantage of working at a distance, as opposed to frying the wiring. But I still don't think they should be using the Force for every last little thing, or even that they can. And no, the flashes don't make the recording look normal. It's like a burst of static. A non-Force sensitive would assume it's a tech glitch; a Force-sensitive might figure out what caused it, but the recording would still be screwed up.

Yyyyeah, okay, it sounds like it might work just as well to yoink the camera off the wall. Or float a lens cap over there. ;)


gabri_jade May 17 2008, 05:12:30 UTC
I still cling to the theory that she figured that was the most annoying option.

I think that's the only option that makes any sense.

I don't think Luke separated them, but I think Obi-Wan did -- and I think the name change could well be meant to produce that effect, most of all in the Sith himself. The metaphor could have invaded at some point. Except that still wouldn't explain Han doing it.

I agree with everything you said here.

Yyyyeah, okay, it sounds like it might work just as well to yoink the camera off the wall. Or float a lens cap over there. ;)

Yeah. *sigh*


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