Best things in life...

Jan 21, 2014 23:54

At table at Perkin's years ago, lamenting the fact I just couldn't fit in with the punk scene. I was happy in my white sneakers and sweatshirt. Sara looking across the table at me, aghast. "Do you even REALLY know what punk MEANS? It means not caring what other people think. You are more punk than anyone because your do what you want, no matter what anyone thinks. You can't make yourself be someone you're not."

The patient calling today to get his surgery re-scheduled. "Here are my new blood sugars. Here are all the changes I made." After I congratulated him on all his hard work, he asked if he'd see me after surgery. "Please come see how I did. It would mean a lot."

Watching Thomas Richard become Don Thomas Richard. Rick was hanging out at an armoring night at Pete's, lamenting how he would have loved the chance to learn to fight. "Pick up a sword." He looked at me as though I were insane. "Pick up a sword. Let's go. You're not dead, you can fight. Let's go PLAY." The first rapier lesson Don Thomas of An Tir received was from me in my boyfriend's front yard. And he laughed the whole time. Laughed harder the first time he hit me in the head in a tourney, and I'd never been so happy to be dead.

The husband of an oncology patient, seeing me turn the corner into the room in the ER with the equipment to access his wife's port. The strained look of fear just draining away to a smile. "It's going to be Ok, honey. The Lady is here."

Someone I really admire in the SCA pulling me aside at Sheep War after seeing me deal with a wind gust that destroyed part of my chirurgoen shelter and sending some one to the hospital later with a broken clavicle. "I love seeing you in action. No matter what, you make it clear you've got it handled."

I am here for a reason. And I am so grateful for the reminders.
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