rummaging: vi. more old cards

Apr 11, 2006 16:45

"Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art."
-Maya Angelou

Stressed Out?
Fed up?

You bet I am. (and you?)

Have a Happy Birthday - Or the teddy bear gets it.

(note from friend)
Even though you said no weapons, I couldn't resist.

[A/N I have no idea what I said in regards to bringing or not bringing weapons to my birthday]

Happy Birthday to a great, great friend. You couldn't ask for a better one. A more normal friend, Yes, but not a better one.

(note from friend)
But then it wouldn't be any fun!!

(note from friend)
Yeah, I know the card is kind of cheesy, but it was either this or "Congratulations on your potty training" or "Hurray! You quit smoking!" I figured I'm eighteen years late for one and it's hard to quit something you never started. So this car is just going to have to do. I guess it jus goes to show you there's a card for every occasion. Have fun in the new appartment. (My mother made me cross out the extra 'p' in 'apartment')

Also found old letters from you, Ashlee.. and one mentioned a tattoo you had finally gotten... [Summer 2000.. I don't remember what it was]


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