Aug 10, 2009 00:49
Today I went to a pool party and inhaled. My first time! Just like my cool friends! unimpressed :P
Today I watched My Bloody Valentine and all the dying people had it so much easier than my friend who is slowly turning into stone and needs a lung transplant.
Today I seriously fell into crush with this HOTTT ceramicist who does hundreds of push-ups a day and likes to pretend to drown in swimming pools and is stuck in an unhappily open relationship.
Thursday my comics class ended and i went to karaoke and asked about other single boys until James told me to "Shut up and put out!!"
Friday I went to a housewarming party, then the local gay bar for pink night, then an after party at the house of the most annoyingly stereotypical twink in town, and then ended the nighht back at the housewarming to bone the happy homeowner.
Saturday I inked my comic but didn't get enough sleep.
Ditto Sunday (see above).
Ditto for Monday too, probably. Plus rock climbing and work. And that homeowner again.