I never posted about 2009!

Aug 06, 2010 16:40

Man, have I felt like reminiscing today! I'm not sure where it started - or maybe I am. I had a relatively deep continuation of a conversation with one of my best friends via email today. I describe it this way because it made me reflect on my life quite a bit, and on my relationships. So I started reading back over my livejournal (and Chris's) to think about who I have been and who I am now (and how it is different).

So I read this post and wanted to make another to remind me of 2009, which seems relatively boring in comparison to all of the changes that occurred in 2008 in my life:

1) Where did you begin 2009?
I believe it was at the home of the infamous Mr. Charles Wince - partythrower extraodinaire.

2) What was your status on Valentine's Day?
I went to see Twilight with Alisa and Chris - I STILL owe him for that :)

3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
I took Chemistry 100 and 113 and NURC 101 (with clinical hours) from Columbus State. I also took French with my ex-husband. It was at that point that I was reminded why we divorced in the first place.

4) How did you earn your money?
I finished working for Beauty First around New Years, so I believe I was only working at ODE in 2009.

5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
No hospitals :)

6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
No police either!

7) Where did you go on holidays?
This year was the first Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and all of the other "small" holidays with Chris's family. Damn those people must like each other because they really get together a lot :)

8) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
CAR REPAIRS - replaced my engine, etc.

9) Did you know anybody who got married?
LOTS of weddings - Pat and Sarah, Stacey and Dave, Bill and Jenn, Mike and Jill, and Westie and Sean! I was in THAT wedding.

10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
Denny's Grandpa

11. No #11.

12) Did you move anywhere?
No moving for me, but Chris moved to Columbus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14) What concerts/shows did you go to?
I don't know that I went to many shows - but I think Old Crow Medicine Show was at Newport Music Hall in 2009 - that was pretty fun.

15) Are you registered to vote?

16. No #16.

17) Where do you live now?
Columbus, Ohio - same place I've been in since August 2004. I will admit I spend a lot of my time at Chris's now that he isn't 75 miles/1.25 hours away.

18) Describe your birthday?
I had a very nice 29th birthday - first of many. Chris took me out to dinner in the Short North to Barleys - and even let me bring home a growler of barley wine!

19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2009?
Change a poopy diaper - on an adult.

20) What has been your favorite moment?
Probably Christmas with Chris - I already like Christmas, but spending with a "complete" family was pretty special. By complete, I mean not remarried or with 50 year old parents missing because they're dead.

21) What's something you learned about yourself?
It had been 10 years since my car accident in August 1999, and I learned that I can actually use my left leg, but I am mostly psyched out by thinking it won't hold me alone. I started working to rehabilitate myself.

22) Any new additions to your family?
Phoebe caught a bug. Then ate it.

23) What was your best month?
Probably October - Renfest, weddings galore, my birthday, autumn, etc.

24) What music will you remember 2009 by?

25) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
I didn't drink so much in 2009. But I wasn't really a lush to start with. Probably Denny - we still meet occasionally at St. James for a Young's Double Chocolate Stout.

26) Made new friends?
New friends made at Westie and Sean's wedding - and all of the weddings I accompanied Chris to - and in nursing school.

27) New best friend?
Jill and I became a lot closer and I met Traci when we carpooled to a wedding. I don't make lists of my friends in order of importance (any more) but I'm not sure you two get catapulted to "I've known you since HS" status. But you're both definitely best friend material :)

28) Favorite Night Out?
8/1/09 Westie and Seans BEAUTIFUL wedding. 
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