Nothing on top but a bucket and a mop...

Jul 14, 2010 16:44

...from the song Plateau.

And that is what I'm writing about - my plateau in dieting.

I thought I had changed my lifestyle, exercising more, eating less (and smarter) but recently, there have been some hiccups:
  • Holidays - July 4th weekend meant I ate fairly freely for three days - nothing too terribly indulgent, but several beers and some pizza meant about 1500 extra calories I wouldn't normally eat.
  • 100 degree weather - My bicycle riding has dropped to a minimum - like once in two weeks.
  • Cash - I held off on buying groceries and hitting Odd Lots again for new work snacks, and I'm WAY tired of the remaining ones in my desk drawer - there's a reason they were left for last. I've been spending more money by eating out than I would by just going to the store again. I actually just realized that is the solution as I typed this.
  • Schedule - my two courses this summer at Columbus State, combined with the census work picking up again have left me feeling like my time is precious again, and I'm feeling tired/overwhelmed. I'm not in the same place every evening now, so I've fallen off the treadmill (not literally) and I will need to start over on the Couch-to-5K program again. I initially skipped a night because my knee was sore, but then I just abandoned it after a weekend away.
So I'm not gaining weight, but I'm not losing 1-2lbs. at a time like I was. It's discouraging me. I feel like I have quit - but I haven't. I forgive myself for this little break I took.

A younger me would have given up now.

I'm going to keep on keepin' on.

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