Watch out, you just might go under.

Aug 09, 2008 16:29

Another d'Aiglemort.

He came while I was recovering, Or more, we met in the baths with the princess. He has not come to the house though, seeking an assignation, using his name as an almost right to take me as patron. He asks questions though, and thanks me for my devotion to his familial name. I need no thanks, for the love I bear them. He has a hard path though, to bear the name a good mark instead of bad. The people of this city bore the bedroom activities of My Duc as the mirror of his political duties and seem to blame him for the discord and upheaval that plagues the province.  War did that. A lack of successor is transgression, but not any more grave than Namarre or Eisande.

There is only the vestiges of a twinge now, and if one knows how to look, the barest of traces of the accident. A far cry from what Marcello saw and was ready to give as good as I got if someone had dared to lay a hand on me and cause such. I have never seen him in such a fury and know for truth that if someone had done harm to me, he would brandish blade and call them out.

Ariadnh seeks to throw a fete, to celebrate the arrival of spring and life. She asked me for aide to help, and with hope,  I can give her such now that I am not in the state I was. Life as always, it seems, is never without it's interesting paths. These days, it seems to be more interesting. And once more it seems, I share a patron with someone who is not of Elua's ilk. Will this one too take him from me? If she does, then I am content, for he would love him, as much as the other was loved.

marius, desk, accident, ariadnh, mont nuit

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