Title: Desire
Fandom: The Host
Claim: Ian/Mel, slightly Jared/Mel
Summary: Her body remembers Ian’s hands and kisses… Melanie loves Jared, but she also wants him and Ian O’Shea. She wants both.
Rating: PG -13
A/N: I don’t know if this is good, but I felt the inspiration and… Well, you’ll see - read, actually. If there’s a mistake, please tell me! English isn’t my first language and I think there’re a lot of grammar mistakes. I would be thankful for your help :)!
“Life and love go on no matter what”. Lily’s words have been replaying in her head like a broken CD or cassette. At the beginning, she wanted to stop thinking about them. But after a while, she stopped shouting them out. She can’t - or she doesn’t want to? There’s a huge mistake in that phrase, a huge and important mistake. What about desire? Desire is not love, but it can’t be part of the word life. It’s too meaningful and too different to stick just as life.
God, she loves Jared. She loves him with every inch of her body, mind and soul. She’d rather die than spend a whole life without him. Her heart belongs to him, and he knows it. Jared knows she loves him. And she wants him. Melanie needs to feel his arms around her, his hands playing with her hair, his lips touching her neck… The problem is not that, obviously. It is that she wants him and Ian O’Shea. Both. At the same time both.
She - no, her body remembers how Ian’s hands brushed her waist or the way her heart beats when he smiles at her - at Wanda, smiled at Wanda in her body. And the memory of his lips… Oh, his lips had felt so good. When Wanda kisses Ian, there’s a noisy voice in her head screaming to stop them. She wants to kiss Jared, no Ian. However, her body remembers the softness of Ian’s lips. The memories of the feeling of his lips over her lips were… overwhelming. Yes, that’s the exact word to describe them. She feels like that. Her head starts to spin and her hands were sweaty. Sometimes she thinks she’s going to faint. Why her body wants so badly Ian?
It’s horrible to compare Jared and Ian. Jared’s and Ian’s kisses, Jared’s and Ian’s hands… They’re so different! One was pure fire and the other the opposite, but Ian isn’t like ice. He’s different. Jared was the fire: sexy, rough, and strong. Ian was gentle, pure tenderness.
Melanie loves and wants Jared, but she also wants Ian. Her body needs Ian. It is so embarrassing to find herself starring at him all the time or feeling jealous when Ian is with Wanda. It’s her body because of its memories! The memories of Ian’s touching and kissing her - her body. Memories of her body, not her memories. Because in her memories was Jared, she loved Jared; not Ian, not him, not him…
Why Ian has to kiss Wanda? Why her stomach aches when that happens? Why can’t take her eyes off him? Why?
Life and love go on no matter what, but desire doesn’t. Melanie is going to stop wanting Ian O’Shea. She’s going to stop dreaming about him touching her waist, her hands, and her shoulders. She has taken a decision: she will make her body to forget Ian O’Shea no matter what.