Title: Don't Believe a Word You Heard About Me 13/13
mommapower Rating: eh we'll make this NC-17, there's some description but not into real close detail like sometimes
Pairing: Gabilliam
POV: third
Summary: “Happy Halloween,” Josh sang out with a laugh as he pushed William hard. William fell toward the ground hastily. As soon as the rope snapped tight everyone stopped laughing. The air was dry and still. They thought the rope was long enough. It wasn’t.
Warning: kind of an attempted murder but not, if you don't like the thought don't read
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone just the story
stones_at_moons A/N : i'm hoping to get the very very short epilogue back soon...i know these last few chapters have gone up quick, i just want to get it posted so i can start the new one. oh and the only reason there is an epilogue is because i didn't feel like adding the last page into this chapter it was kind of an afterthought anyway when i finished this