Best Part of Believe is the Lie Four

Dec 23, 2009 18:21

Title: Best Part of Believe is the Lie
Author: alifeofourown  
Pairings: Kyle/Caleb (Forever the Sickest Kids), Alex/Jack (All Time Low), Gabe/William (Cobra Starship/The Academy Is...), John Ohh/Travis Clark (The Maine/We The Kings), possible other
Rating: Teen
Summary: Kyle was never going to get better and he knew that. That's why he did this. That's why he had to lie.
Warnings: More postcards, Shirtless boys, cute John Ohh
Disclaimer: If you found this thanks to Googling yourself or someone Googling you for you, turn the fuck back around. Thanks. :D
Beta: havah24601  
Dedication: Any Kyleb, Jalex, John/Travis or Gabilliam lovers who dare to read my insanity.
Author Note: Anyone want a Xmas Fic? Poke me in a comment or ask for one in a message! I'll write you a Christmas fic!
I love you all and apologize. This was supposed to be posted on Sunday but it was delayed thanks to stupid internet-less homes. From now on, you all can expect this fic to be updated every Wednesday. :D
Title credit to Fall Out Boy.

Master Post

Lies Lies Lies

chaptered: best part of believe is the l, rating: pg-13, author: alifeofourown

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