Title: Best Part of Believe is the Lie
alifeofourown Pairings: Kyle/Caleb (Forever the Sickest Kids), Alex/Jack (All Time Low), Gabe/William (Cobra Starship/The Academy Is...), possible other
Rating: Teen
Summary: Kyle was never going to get better and he knew that. That's why he did this. That's why he had to lie.
Warnings: Postcards, Confusion, Gabilliam love
Disclaimer: If you found this thanks to Googling yourself or someone Googling you for you, turn the fuck back around. Thanks. :D
havah24601 Dedication: Any Kyleb, Jalex or Gabilliam lovers who dare to read my insanity.
Author Note: It's a Monday! Tomorrow I'm spending my entire day Christmas shopping for the three (or more) people in my life who mean the absolute most to me. For those who I'm not allowed to ship presents to, fics are delivered. Anyone want a Xmas Fic? Poke me in a comment or ask for one in a message! I'll write you a Christmas fic!
Title credit to Fall Out Boy, cut credit to DHT
Master Post Listen to your heart