Title: I Don't See Why He Moves Me
Chapter: 3/?
Rating: M
Pairing: Gabe Saporta/William Beckett
Summary: William Beckett is a shy, quiet, reserved, academically perfect student. Gabe Saporta is a screw off Senior who is one performing arts credit away from not graduating. When Gabe is faced with the decision to repeat his senior year or participate in the school play, he opts for the play, not intending to snag a lead role in the production of Jesus Christ, Superstar. What surprises him even more than his role as Judas in the musical is William Beckett, who holds the role of Jesus. At first, Gabe is dumbfounded by the transformation William undergoes when he is onstage, turning from a shy, quiet loner to a tall, thin powerhouse. As the play continues, Gabe begins to wonder how William can be so loud, so vibrant on stage, when the second he slips out of his role and back into his own skin, the boy can barely speak above a whisper.
Disclaimer: FICTIONAL! Oh, and the title is from Jesus Christ, Superstar.
Author's Notes: Alright, here is new chapter! I hope you like it!
Previous Chapters.
Chapter Three.