Title: Broken Heroes (Last Chance Power Drive)
Chapter: 17/?
Rating: M
Pairing: Gabe Saporta/William Beckett
Summary: After being missing for three months with no leads, William Beckett turns up. Broken, scared and unwilling to speak to anyone, friends or band mates alike, things seem hopeless for William. One by one, the people that he cares about begin to give up on him, losing hope in his recovery just as they lost hope in finding him alive and William finds himself with one person to turn to - the one person who never gave up on him. Gabe.
Chapter Teaser: "Gabe began to grow worried as he checked the living room, which was also empty. He let out a long sigh of relief, however, when he entered the kitchen. William was sitting, head resting on top of the table, propped up on his arms, breathing softly as he slept. Gabe walked over to William, looking at the paper that lay around him. He didn’t look at the lists, as it was the paper beneath William’s cheek that caught Gabe’s eye."
Disclaimer: FICTIONAL!
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and other 'adult' themes.
Author's Notes: Alright, so I'm pretty sure that the fact that I'm updating today means that I'm back on my normal, Monday updating schedule! YAY! I'm pretty excited for things to get regular again, what do you guys think? :P I love you all, by the way.
Previous Chapters.
Chapter Seventeen.