Blarg. I still feel unmitigatedly like poop. Thanks health. For nothin'
Anyway, since I've been kind of silent lately I thought I'd drop a short line to comment on the fact that I have rather obviously begun the next part of the Shape chronology: What Becomes of Saturn and Venus. People who used to hang on Pyreflyes or DBF back in the halcyon days when these places were still frequented will already suspect the seed of the hep plot of this story (and if you're snoopy, you can just go back and ready old DBF posts to find me wax poetic on the plot XD), but I have fleshed out the basic idea considerably since then.
I am just finishing a replay of FFX International Japanese Voice so I can make sure my ducks are in a row. I just have Calabolg to finish, and the spheregrid to max, but I've pretty much finished everything else, including the butterfly hunting. Like hunting mystic goo in KH, I turned out to be remarkably good at it XDD.
Saturn and Venus is actually only the second part of a three part series -- I'll only call the damn thing a trilogy if it ever gets done XD. S + V will certainly end up being longer than Shape, and have a couple of side stories attached to it as well -- focusing on the characters in FFX who are not named "Auron" or "Rikku."
I know some people are mildly worried it'll take another four years for me to finish this one, but so long as I stay focused, I can bang out chapters for a story that's been well planned every week or so. I write dense prose very quickly. My biggest problem is that I inevitably get distracted working on one of the million and one other things that I'm doing at any given time. Like
Jibreel and Melekel. It's kind of hard not to get distracted by them, as they are ridiculously hot. I cannot possibly be biased.
Right now I hope to keep advancing Saturn + Venus and ViaV both at a respectable pace. Writing for fandom can be both enjoyable and challenging, and both of these stories are, in their own ways. I am currently demanding a greater level of technical excellence from S + V than I ever tried to beat out of Shape, but that's also because I started writing Shape as a bet, and now it's a project that I'm wholly committed to XD. ViaV is challenging because it's such a focused narrative. In the next chapter Kaname and Zero actually have a conversation. They exchange more than two words at a stretch, when Yuki isn't even in the room. It is an astonishing improvement for them, I think, as thus far they have really put one another on ignore XD.
I also posted a short Snape story from ages past. I still love it, despite its shortness. Writing Snape is great and cathartic. If anyone is curious,
this is what they look like together. Ahhh. Addie is so cute XD. It'd hit that! Forreal. Sadly, Snape is the character I self-identify with, and Addie is the girl I really wish would like me, as opposed to vice-versa XDD. Sometimes I just can't help but feel like a wretched, ugly, self-important, misunderstood genius bundle of needles like Severus Snape.
They have an immensely long story, all taking place during Snape's school tenure, which I plotted out but never actually wrote, mainly because I realized no one really cared about the story of Snape and Adelaide but me XDDD.
The title of Snape and Adelaide's story is actually Days of Wands and Roses, which is a reference to the Dowson poem, and not the film XD.
"They are not long, the weeping and the laughter,
Love and desire and hate:
I think they have no portion in us after
We pass the gate.
They are not long, the days of wine and roses:
Out of a misty dream
Our path emerges for awhile, then closes
Within a dream."
My stalkers will realize I have a fondness for this poem because of the film based on Vera Caspary's novel, Laura, which stars Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, and Clifton Webb and won the Academy Award in 1944.
In any case, Snape and Adelaide's story as it was originally written (or not written) ended in her untimely death at the hands of his lunatic aunt, the day after the paperwork for their civil marriage was completed. Poor Snape got no sex and he didn't even succeed in kissing her once over the course of seven years, because he is ultimately that level of fail at social interactions. I think I'd probably revise my stance on the physical aspects of their relationship if I reworked the plot these days. Perhaps I am not so naive any longer. XDD
At this point, since I don't really care for anything past HP 5: Order of the Phoenix, if I ever go back and write anything else, I may well give them a fractured, but happy (happier) ending. I mean, my idea of a happy ending for them is one where she doesn't end up dead XDDD Poor Addie, I killed you off for canon, and then ended up not caring for the canon that followed. Maybe I could just horribly injure you, or psychologically scar you or something. Something for Snape to feel awfully guilty about. If I can get rid of you until after Harry's fifth year, then I can resolve your story and give you a better ending XDDD
I still want Harry to find the picture you painted of your four imaginary children under that dustcloth in storage in Snape's room at Hogwarts. That's one of the best scenes ever.
"Oh, father never looks at us. We're used to it."