Totally post-event tagged by
honeyandvinegar List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
Tag seven people to do the same.
Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
Damn... Seven things I haven't already given away about myself... This is tougher than it looks when you've done an intro post.
1. I'm left handed. (except with scissors - weirdly) I write with the left hand, I chew on the left side of my mouth and when I set off walking I step with the left. Try it. Is it just me with the hand, chew and foot thing? Do YOU do all three on the same side? Answers on a postcard to...
2. I'm a smoker and I'll remain a smoker until they find another calorie burning, stress reducing habit that requires no hand-to-mouth 'grazing', any slowing of my already sluggish metabolism or the need for restraints when I frequently and quite randomly explode for reasons known only to myself.
3. I would rather eat cat shit than partake in karaoke. You'd get me in a bar for ulterior motives, for oh... about 30 seconds while I scan my surroundings and make a fight or flight decision. There are three motives for willingly entering a karaoke bar. One is to go postal and annihilate everything inside, and the other two are very unlikely to be in the same bar that I'm in at the time.
4. The tiniest, most mundane things amuse the shit outta me. Like baby bananas and... squirrels. Making rude words out of number plates or snippets of caught conversations. I notice the slightest thing out of place, like a typo in an official document or a scrawled word that changes a street sign across the road into something profound.
5. I absolutely cannot stand feet. It's my biggest excuse for not being able to stomach hobbit porn. All I can see is their oversized hairy feet and that's it, moment's gone. That and them being 3ft tall... You girls are INSANE! :o)
6. If I buy a book or magazine and someone reads it before I get the chance, I absolutely want to smash their face in with a mallet. I paid for it! I BOUGHT the right to read it FIRST!
7. I will quite happily and excitedly talk at length about anything and everything that I think there's the slightest chance you may share an interest in. I will educate you given half the chance. I can't decide if that's a quirk or a fault. The universe, the geology, the architecture, plants, animals, boys, films, ANYTHING. If you catch me gearing up to do this while in NY, for the love of God STOP ME!
Well... that was far more aggressive than intended. I may need to go eat some sugar now.
And it took 50 minutes to do.
So I apologise now to those I tag. I'm short on LJ friends and Honey already tagged a few of you.
addie71 romeny prisca1960 julchen11 mews1945 emaschi babydrackyIf ever you all have the time or inclination.