Mar 16, 2005 08:07
So yesterday I had this little cold sore on my lip I wasn't worried it was so little but I did put some medicine on it to try to help it.... Well with my luck this time it didn't help when I bit my lip and then I woke up this morning and it was so huge.. I don't want to go anywhere..... I need to get rid of it quick so I am just going to take my other med the doctor gave me last time, if I haven't been so sick the past few weeks I wouldn't have gotten this thing...
Well this week Monday I had a game we won so now we won 2 lost 1... Today I have to babysit Darrin for an hour then I need to work from 5-10 but I will probably leave earlier then that.. Thursday I have to work 8-4 then I have to go to my softball game at 6:45... Friday I don't have anything during the day then at night I have to work because I have off saturday.... Then Saturday morning I have my game then Hailey's Birthday she is going to b 2... GOSHHHH she is making aunt Nikki feel So that is my boring as week. Sunday I have to work to.
My tickets for Nelly finally came in the mail so I am so excited b/c I know I had fun at Lil Wayne so this going to be fun to. I am going April 26th.... Also on April 26th Ramon gabe's brother is suppose to b here because he is home out of Iraq... Finally no more worries for everyone. Well I I am getting my puppy soon March 28th.... Well I guess I am going to go now because I don't have much to talk about.