Part One

Sep 19, 2005 17:23

Good evening y'all.

I hope every one is well. I am so wore out. Seems like commin off this vacation...I am going to need another one just to make up for all the runnin around and gettin everything back in

I decided to upload the pics off my digital camera today. I went to walmart earlier and put in the other 4 rolls of film I have, but for now I am going to share these with y'all. I will do the Florida update in this one but the when I get the other pics back they will be just pic posts.

So follow me to the cut if you want to hear how my trip went and preview some of the pictures I have for you now!

Sunday mornin we woke up and Ben took Jo-Jo to his dads cause we were going to leave our doggie there. Mainly cause I did not want to put her in a kennel and at Bens dads he has so much land she could roam to her heart was content.

Ben got back around 10 and we headed to my parents to get them. Left around 10:30 am.

We got down to Panama City about 3. Not to bad of a drive. I wasn't tryin to rush or anything.

We checked into the condo and went up to our room. This place was so nice. I am talkin about great views!!! As soon as you walked in the door the glass sliding windows to the balcony came into view and there was the gulf! I can still picture it right now.

Here is the pic of our condo...we were on the 6 floor! And to my surprise Gabe never tried to through anything off of it.

After we got settled in we decided to go get something to eat. Yea well there was this place called the Family Bishops Buffet. LMAO It was great food, but for me and Ben to eat it was 40 bucks. I was floored. Gabe fortunatley ate free! lol I know it was going to be a little high down there with the food prices, but for a buffet people....40 dollars. That to me was UNREAL!

Then me and mom went to wal-mart for grocery shoppin for the week. LOL I talked to Sue while I was in there and she said "nice Amy...go to Florida and the first thing you do is go to Wal-Mart" LOL But there wally world is ten times nicer then ours....such a florida scene all around it. Sorry no pic of it. LMAO I ain't that bad to take a pic of Wal-mart.

The next day mom and dad decided to go to the beach...but I wanted to get Gabe used to the water first so me and him and Ben went to the pool. When I get my other rolls of film back....there will be pool pics on there from then!

Gabe took his naps on schedule while we were down there so that day we went back up and while Gabe was sleeping me and Ben got a bath and waited for mom and dad to get ready so we could all go out and look at the local stores!

While we were waiting on my parents to get showered and all....I took some pics from our balcony...and then me and Ben and Gabe went down on the beach that evening at sunset and Gabe loved it. Here are some pics from Monday eveing.

-this was the view from our balcony! It was so great. The water was clear as can be and if you look close enough the umbrella to your left on the pic is my parents just soakin away the enviorment.

-a sail boat just peacefully floating on the gulf!

-after we got back from the pool that day I gave Gabe a bath. And then he wanted to wear his float. Every monring and night he would put this on and say to me "Momma lets go beach!"

-here is Gabe's first look at the gulf up close. After I took this pic...he ran straight in the water and sat his butt Needless to say I had to change him before we went out on the town.

-y'all know how Lali always says that Florida's sunsets are the best. Well can we all agree on this one?

-Ben and Gabe in this one. U can barely tell but I thought the picture came out perfect!

-if you can tell in this pic...we were kinda far from the shore. It was amazin with the sandbars. There were some you could go out forever on and be so far from the actual shore. Loved it.

-action pic. Gabe was so funny...he just ran from the wave into the wave and back again. Never was once afraid of it at all. I was so glad about that.

we came back to the room to check on mom and dad and then took these pics from the balcony.

And here is the last pic from that Monday...and yes Gabe is wearin his cookie monster float...he had a fit when we went to bed and i took it off. LMAO

Tuesday...the first day at the beach. We had so much fun. Gabe loved jumpin the waves and having us make him sand castles and he would crash them down. I didn't take alot from that day...just cause my dig. camera ran out of memory.

-Ben was caring a fish net and bucket....he wanted to catch Gaber a fish, but didn't have any luck. But there were so many of them right at our feet. It was like we were standing in the middle of the ocean with as many fish there was.

-my mom and Gaber. LOL She was havin a hard time gettin out of the water and stading up. LMAO I know Sue would get a kick out of this one.

That is all I have for now folks. Like I said...later this week I will be gettin back the other rolls and I will update when I get those and let you know what happened after Tuesday!!!

Hope you enjoyed it
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