I must remember not to put my mp3 player so loud that I can't hear my surroundings and thus forget where I am. Also must remember not to put it on shuffle. Cos when the theme song from Card Captor Sakura comes on, I start flitting down stairs like Akira from NwP. For real. If you haven't guessed by now, the line between reality and make believe was blurred for me years ago! XD I also end up doing the Ja ja ja jaaan K8 hand movement, but people just seem to think I'm doing air piano or something.
Also, LJ seems to be not sending my email comment notification thingies, so if I'm late in replying, sorry!
Also number two, upon watching Wonderfalls a second time, I realised (a little too late) that Jaye's brother is a cutie and he's also in Pushing Daisies. I always discover things much too late!