Mar 03, 2008 22:51
I started watching SP (Security Police) over the weekend and I'm on episode 6 now. I'm not sure what I was expecting (to be honest, the main reason I was watching it was because of Okada) but it's really good!
The plots are quite easy to figure out, apart from the main one: the mystery surrounding Inoue (Okada's character) and "that incident" which I don't wanna mention cos spoilers!
There was of course one moment that reduced me back into an Okada fangirl, squeeing all over the place. Spoilers ahead; highlight to read! There was one part where they showed in the preview for next time, Okada getting out of a bathtub and literally ripping his shirt off. It was awesome. So of course, I was pumped for the next episode. The way it happened was the bathtub was filled with some kind of chemical. He lured the bad guy into the room (which at this point was full of oxygen), the bad guy fired the gun, the whole room exploded and just before it did, Inoue jumped in the bathtub so he wouldn't get burned. AWESOME. And then he gets out the tub, rips his shirt off (as seen in the preview) to put out the other bad guy who was on fire. It made the scene even more awesome than I was anticipating! That was the best fanservice scene ever. Seriously. :D
But I am honestly enjoying the show for the story too! :P
I'm probably very behind everyone else in this, but Shige on the latest Shounen Club episode! XD I never knew he had it in him! This confident attitude suits him well! :D I shall also block this out, in case no one wants to be spoiler, so highlight to read the awesomeness of Shige! I'm not sure exactly what happened (there were no subs), but I think Koyama asked Shige to show the younger Johnny's how to pose. Embarrassed, Shige got up and started to pose, with accompanying music and camera shutter noises. Anyhoo, he took of his jacket, his over shirt and then his under shirt! XD By the by, very nice to see! :P Just as he's about to take off his pants, Johnny's guys rush the stage and hide him! XD His response: Well, Yamapi did a nude photoshoot the other day, so I thought it would be okay for me to do this! XD Oh Shige! I wish to see this side of you more often, as it is made of win!
junichi okada,
eye candy,