Time flies

Mar 23, 2006 14:50

And I wasn't even having fun! Tomorrow is my last ever official lesson in school. Ever. After that, it's just revision classes and handing in projects. I CAN'T BLOODY BELIEVE IT! I just started Uni the other day, and now (if I pass this year) I'm almost done! The real world is getting ever closer, and I'm still not ready! I've spent the past week doing my work to hand in. Artifical Intelligence and Data Mining. Yep, it's as boring as it sounds. Well, not really. I mean, I can do it so it can't be that bad.

TV wise, the shows have been pretty good. Smithy (LOVE HIM!) got out of prison, bless him, on The Bill. Supernatural is getting more and more interesting, just as Jensen is getting more and more loveable. Smallville...well, I ain't too happy about all this Lana and Lex business. I get flashbacks of when she was under the spell of that flower thingy, and she hit on him and he was the equivalent of "Eww, gross!" cos she was just a kid compared to him and now he's all "Lana, I've always loved you". It's just creepy is all. It'd be more believable to see him going after Chloe. But this is Smallville. OC's been good. Lots of Seth and Sandy. And House was so friggin funny last week, I'm still laughing. Can't wait to watch it tonight. CSI...Warrick's been getting hotter. I'm liking this new development. And it's still my favourite crime show on TV!

Anyhoo, I'm off. Back to mining the data.

tv, supernatural, the oc, smallville

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