Ah Glee. Just when I think I can turn my brain off and enjoy Sue and Brittany the silly...
I was a couple of weeks behind, so I watched the last two episodes together. It's kinda strange that they'd have an episode all about a kid having to leave his school and friends because of bullying, and then show blatent bullying the next.
Rachel's not one of my favourite characters (she straight up annoys me sometimes) but I like her as a character, if that makes sense. She's not perfect. She's not written in a way that's meant to make her likeable, cos in real life not everyone's awesome. She is, however, written as human. A lot of the stuff she does makes sense, even if it is horrible (like sending that poor girl to the crack house :S). But she can be nice, she can be kind and thoughtful. She's a teenage kid, who has had to think that she's awesome at singing in order to give herself some sort of confidence. She thinks that without her voice, she's not much of anything, so she must succeed in that.
So you have the other members of Glee always making fun of her, calling her names, making fun of stuff she feels insecure about and hardly ever trying to be nice to her or try to figure out why she is this way. I used to think it was just because they're teenage kids, not to be rude but they're not exactly the most self-aware bunch. XD It's also common that kids that age will side with the group rather than say something that's not considered "cool". Santana has done nothing but be a bitch to everyone in that group, including her best friend, but no one is ever mean to her and they always take her side when she picks a fight with Rachel. Probably because she's a cheerleader. Finn also never stands up for her when other people make fun of her. He did to Santana, but that's when it was just the two of them. I don't think I've ever seen him stand up for her when there's a lot of people there. He didn't do it for Kurt either. I saw this happen a lot in school, where kids would laugh along with the more "popular" kids just to try and not be an outcast.
But when the whole show is about outcasts and being comfortable with yourself, it gets really annoying seeing her basically being told who you really are is awful and we only let you stay here because you sing well. Even Will and Sue have made comments about her desparately wanting to be liked, which ends up making her behave like a bitch. (Which made it all the more weird when Will yelled at her like that, but I think that was more him taking out his anger cos he got cockblocked by Uncle Jesse. :P) The only one that's nice to her is Puck, strangely enough!
Hopefully the Rachel and Kurt friendship we saw in the last episode will continue, and he can call them out on their b.s.!
And now, the football! XD
Okay, let me get it out of the way now. I was a bit gutted that England didn't get the bid, but only cos Becks and Wills put on such a great presentation. I can't say I was surprised, since the rest of the footballing world doesn't like England very much. Our fans do make us seem very obnoxious, nation! I felt bad for them that they thought if they played fair and gave a good presentation, they might stand a chance. Yeah, not gonna happen with England. Sorry! XD I was surprised that Russia got it over Spain/Portugal, but good on them. Let's hope it will be awesome!
I have seen a lot of ugliness about the fact that Qatar won their bid. It's one of those times when I have to go watch videos like this in order to stop me throwing my monitor out my window!
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People taking their assumptions of what the Middle-East is like and saying it will be a horrible world cup because it will be too hot and no-one will be allowed to take booze. You know what? No-one's forcing you to go. By then, we'll all have virtual reality TVs so you don't have to go there. How about actually asking people who live there what their country is like? I bet half the people didn't even know it was a country before all this! The first world cup being held in the Middle-East ever! Let them rock it! Maybe they can then show the world not everything is as you assume it is! And their plan to build the stadiums, dismantle them when the tournament is over and take the materials and use them to build things in 3rd world countries? Awesome. Let's hope they can keep that promise.
I'm more worried about the stuff I've heard about the racism in football in Russia. I really hope it's not true. I'd hate to have a repeat of when England went to go play in Eastern Europe and every time a black player touched the ball, the whole crowd made monkey noises. :( It was awful watching that, I can't imagine how it was playing!