I saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World today! (It had not left the cinema yet, yay! :D) I really enjoyed it, it was really funny!
It was definitely meant for a specific audience, but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. XD It was a lot of fun, very funny. My favourite main characters were Wallace and Knives (she was so sweet, bless). Scott wasn't very likeable for me, neither was Ramona actually, but I think it worked better that way as it made them seem more real. They seemed more like people you'd meet in real life. Scott was definitely the guy you'd hate to be your little sister's first boyfriend. XD
I gotta say, I did crack up at a lot of the video-game visual gags. The bad guys turning into coins after they were defeated was my favourite. XD I can't decide who my favourite evil ex was! Todd Ingram was so hilarious (I didn't know Brandon Routh was so funny!) and Lucas Lee was just too funny. My friends and I debated whether or not his eyebrows were made to look that way with make-up stuffs or if Chris Evans is so awesome that he can make them do that. XD And the Vegan Police! XD "It's milk and eggs, bitch." Hehehee.
All in all, good movie! I'd like to see it again but I think I'll have to wait til DVD.