I really should stop randomly surfing the net when I'm bored...

Aug 16, 2009 20:01

Because I just seem to get very annoyed! XD

http://marvel.com/blogs/Tom_Brevoort/entry/1026.Youth I came across this today (which shows how up to date with comics I am, haha. I kid, I'm about a month behind and I only read 4 titles now but I digress) and...well, I don't wanna me all RAWR DO NOT WANT because I can see the point he's trying to make but still! It just smacks of "Well, we've done it now and we're not changing it!" to me.

If you can relate to a character only because of the state they are in at the moment (young and making stupid mistakes) and not the general essence of the character (making mistakes but learning from them and growing up in the process), I dunno...something's off for me about that. Peter was the nice guy that always does the right thing, and hardly anything goes right for him but he still keeps trying! The fact that he had a wife doesn't mean he's not going to make mistakes or that he's 100% self confident or that he's gotten over all the angst he had in his youth. It just meant that when he had a really crappy day, he had something to look forward to or something to be happy about. You know, to make him balanced and not go bat-shit crazy from depression!

But then again, that's just my opinion. I'm also not the targeted demographic for this book, so it's not like it really matters! XD I just think it's a little weird that they say the character has to relfect the audience, and he's basically an older version of himself, meaning he hasn't changed that much since he was 19/20. I also don't buy that Peter would get drunk off his face because:

- he is (or at least was) much too responsible to let himself get drunk given the fact that he is really stong and could hurt somebody
- I think it was said ages ago that he gets drunk very quickly, so he wouldn't need to drink all that much in the first place. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but from what I've seen he seems to be turning into a Johhny Storm type of guy, but smarter. (I love Johnny, but he can be stupid, haha.)

I'm starting to think it was more of a problem with Mary Jane and the fact that Peter was married to a supermodel, not that he was a married guy and that makes him old.

Anyhoo, I know it's never gonna go back to how it was. My hope is that at least someday they can go back to a Peter that I can read and not got WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN! XD

For the record, I also miss swashbuckling Nightcrawler. Just thought I'd put that out there.

spider-man, comics

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