Vilefest 05'

Aug 23, 2005 02:15

What a cluster fuck this joint it is every year. So the Guild Navigators played Vilefest 2005. We got to this sad sad event at around 11:45. We were one of the few and the proud bands that actually got to this place on time or even at all. Dan is at least trying to bring something good to our neck of the woods and these other fucking bands just don't give a shit. I myself feel that Vilefest is a joke but i at least take the shit semi seriously. Anyway, back to my point, we get there and find out whats going on...Church is still in session. For those wondering what thats all about...apparently the church that was next to the fair grounds was protesting and making a big ass deal about Vilefest and giving Dan a really hard time. To the point where it killed ticket sales...Home Land security didn't help either...lots of bad mouthing and turning people around and what not. It was a fucked situation. So anyway we started setting up right around 12:30...We finally got our shit miced at like 1:15 or something like that. We were on the main stage...only band on that all day. Hey at least we had keyboards at this gig...made me happy! So by 1:30 or so...maybe 1:45 the sound guy said we could start...we did a sound check first though...we ran through Nurse on Board and i fucking botched the shit out of the pre chorus. That was my only major fuck up i'm happy to say...though i was anything but tight...i'll get to the reasons why later.

So we run through "Glimmer", "Andromeda Crashing" and "The Cryogenic"...i'm sweating my ass off. I was in full uniform...which at this point is very much all black. It was like 100 degrees out...i was about to pass out and i could feel myself getting overheated. Next thing you know this redneck from Ross County runs up and tells us that Dan didn't want us to start yet or something like that. Church had been out for like an hour or so...we didn't see a problem. We stoped...Ann and myself went and got water. It had to have been the sweatest water i've had in years. Now this fuckin kills me...we sat around for like 45 minutes...BETWEEN SONGS!!! Finally, Chris got fed up with it and went and found Dan...we went and blasted through the rest of our was a little choppy. Now i'll tell ya why...the fucking sound guy was messing with our monitors. CHris kept fadding in and out of mine and i could barely hear the drums...which shoudn't be a problem cause Gary is an Animal behind the kit. ALso it was all Keybaords and Vocals...i was about to smack the shit out of the sound guy. I guess Chris knew him or something cause he was definitally fuckin with us. Oh well...we had a couple real good moments at this fest *at least in my opinion*. "Glimmer", "Alone", "Ghost of the Cosmonaut" and i believe we rocked the fuck out on "Space Ark"...i mean those songs right there nearly is half the set...probably a good 25 minutes....give or take a few minutes. Yeah thats right we got some long ass songs. I still personally think we sucked...however i'm a little less critical of it now then i was right after we got off. I think it was the was also over by 2:30...we are a very much night time band. We rock better after the sun sets...

After that we relaxed and what not...James took off to go to work, Gary, Ann, Chris and myself hung out for a while...Gary was gone by maybe 7:30...Ann, Chris and I were there till 1 AM or so...mainly cause they got tanked. I went and watched Wrestling...which was fun as hell. I got to sign like 5 was to like this cute little cross eyed 5 year old. She thought i had cool hair and maybe i was a i signed away. The others were to a bunch of 14 and 15 year old teeny boppers who...yet again...fondled my Hair for refference was straight up in the air and my devilock was all was a very chaotic i had my goggles on and they did a nice job of accenting it. I'll probably show up at the next Blitzkid gig all dressed up in full Uniform. Anyway...i signed those autographs and tried to tell those girls that Good Charlote was not punk or hardcore. That was definitally a more amusing moment.

All in all it wasn't to bad...but it will be a while *probably next years Space Con* before we play another festival...Hopefully the sound will be better at the next one.

Ok...Consider an Ion trail!

"The Walking Dead"
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