(no subject)

May 28, 2007 23:46

have you ever allowed your nose to experience the world for you?
have you ever buried it up to the bridge in lilacs, breathed deep and taken in the wealth of sensory information put forth?
if not, you need to.
i've just returned from my evening constitutional. at first it was an attempt to view the stars and the moon that nearly pulled me off the road with their vibrance on my drive home tonight. i have some sort of attraction to the cosmos that encourages me to stare in awe whenever i get the chance, even if that chance is while driving. i think that we probably all do.
the plan was to grab my mp3 player, strap on the headfones, and walk in the coolness of the post-thunderstorm evening. i didn't have my headphones, man oh man am i lucky.
i'm not sure i've been more sensually satisfied. the smells tonight were amazing. our noses have been trying to tell us something all this time. that the world is full of things we may not see, or hear, or even want to touch, but they are there, standing by, waiting for us to notice and to appreciate pleasant peace of the olfactory world.
as i walked down the hill towards ayers island i shut my eyes.
i heard the jeep door slamming and the engine revving up behind me from the guy who had just bought loads of beer from big apple.
i smelled the sweet scent of pine, maple, lilac, and apple mixing ahead of me.
to my left and right storm doors jostled as houses freed people like me, out to enjoy the world that only exists at 11 o'clock after much of the town has gone to bed.
a cricket chirped eagerly on a cement stoop encroaching on the road. brazenly cricket continued as i bent down to examine its hiding place on the second step.
nearby my backyard neighbors lit up a spliff, knowing that anyone in my situation would wholeheartedly approve.
further down the road the woman who left her house as i passed by pounded her feet hard on the pavement as she nearly sprinted ahead, eager to fill my lungs with her second hand camel smoke.
i had to stop on the corner to try to see which of the houses was my dream house. my nose told me the one with the giant maple looming the front yard, partially shrouding its neighboring lilac and crabapple was probably the one for me.
as i walked back up my road along the street i took in the beginning smells of summer. collegiate entrepreneur's house paint; moist, vivacious earth cooling under plump new pine boughs, the sweetest most addictive white lilac bush seducing my nose into taking the plunge, and not leaving disastified. my block is a delightful place at 11 o'clock at night.

sorry, i had to share.
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