Okay, I had a really bad day at work yesterday... today was hardly better. Still, I come home to find an email from a girlie friend of mine. The email has no body in the message, only the word P-Mate in the subject line.
Now because the email is Gmail, of course Google latches on to the word P-Mate and fashions the adverts around it. And so it is that I find the 6th day of Happiness: weird, wacky, sold-only-on-the-interwubs stuff that no one will admit they actually find interesting/useful.
The P-Mate, for women who want to pee standing up.
[Maybe-not-so]Oddly enough, Amazon.com sells them, with Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought pointing to the Shenis, for women who want to pee standing up AND send dudes into jealous, self-conscious fits of self-loathing. [I won't post a pic of that, because there's no hiding what that looks like...]
Then I thought, Man, I know plenty of women who, during concerts, raves, in the woods, or on a boat, would have loved to have had something like this! You've all seen the port-a-potties at a festival or theme park, right? I always felt sorry for women who had to sit-or squat-down on them. ~shudder~ This could also probably work for F2M trans people who have gone through-or don't want to go through-genitalia re-construction surgery, but still want to pee as men do [which would, by the way, entail missing the bowl, pissing on the seat, and other nasty things that make items like the Shenis and P-Mate actually seem like a good idea for some women].
But this sent me on a side-spiral [I won't say it was a 'downward' spiral] that I was directed to such naughtier treats as the iBuzz [which I still say should be called the iFap], the OhMiBod iPod Driven Personal Massager, the OhMiBod Boditalk Cell Phone Activated Personal Vibrator [!!!], and other things which I shall leave either to your own imagination or your own Googling skills.
Why does this make me happy? You would think such consumerism would be... well, pathetic, really. But it's not. No matter how much time passes, no matter what level of technology we are at at any given time, we will always find a way to have some good-ol' fashioned [or not-so-ol'-fashioned, as the case may be] fun! And in doing so, in this pursuit of Having Fun, it may actually end up being something people could use for their own well-being, F2Ms come to mind. So yes, I've included so-called oddities like Shenis, She-Pee, and the P-Mate as something that made me happy on Day 6!
On a less questionable note: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Original Theatrical Release makes me really happy, too!