..and life is like a song oh yea, at last!

Nov 26, 2008 19:08

so what the fuck has been going on with darbrielle????

well ill tell ya!!

Everything has been going good with a few exceptions. im trying to get back in school and things of that nature. its going good. a school, [that im not gonna mention] sent me a letter and told me to check my app status er wutever so, yea. that hardly a yes. but its not a "no bitch, you cant come to our school." so we will wait this one out and see how goes it yes??

OMGAHH werk is amazing. i really really really love it. i even made a new friend named shammoria [shaaa-more- eeeuuhh] and she is hella cool. we ttly got high after work on tuesday and got a big bottle of smirnoff just cuz and drunk it at starbucks. lol i gusta her alot. and omg, while we were kinna buzzed, we were talking about our other friends and she said how she doesnt really have that many friends and i was like ooo. and told her about john and nina, and i told her that i really dont talk to nina cuz i think she might be a sex addict....yea. i have no idea why i said that. and its not like i was hellllaaa fadded cuz i so wasnt. i wonder if thats really how i feel? i havent really thought about it. and i praly wont. but ill talk more about nina later in the entry i shall.
oh and there is this fucking girl that works there named brandi with an i and she is soo fucking "omg" about everything. like there is absolutly nothing wrong with being "white washed" or what ever but she is just plain air-headed. like.. if you dont know how to spell hooray, and you ask me and my friend jessica how to spell it, and after three fucking times spelling to you, you still are confused, YOUR A GOTDAMN AIR HEAD!!! and omfg. she is sooo gotdamn ignorant. like we were in the back house [back of the resturant] balling meat and she is all " omg, schools out here are so rough, i went to school in corona".....what?? have you ever been to a school out here?? no. all you know is what ppl say about schools out here. UGHHHHH!!! and she is just sooo fucking annoying and sticks her nose in the are like she is gotdamn queen elizabeth or some shit. snobby bitch. i tried to cut back on saying that in a negative way...[no really, i have lol] but she deserves it!!

on a lighter note about work. i am like completely swooning over this guy name james. he is sooooo... mmm!!. even john thinks so. he actually spotted him before me. i thought he didnt  like me cuz he would like look at me, and i would smile, and then he would look away, and i was like...k? so anyways we start working together and im ...meh, james. and then some more time goes by and im like....J A M E S =DDDDD but then i talked to shammoria and i asked her would it be wrong if i said i liked some one that worked with me, like would it be frowned upon. so she said no. and i was all.. oh okay. well does james have a girlfriend. and she is like... I KNEW IT!!! and im all..>.> and she is like yeaa they live together and i was like...owww. that too bad. and then yea. i was over it. but he is still bomb. oh yea, he's white. im two for two. lmfao.

anywho. ive chose not to tell anyone my sexuality at work. not that im ashamed. but im trying not to be hella flamboyant with it. like i know that is apart  of me, and im not acting as if it isnt, i just  dont want other ppl to think that it is all i am.. if that makes sense at fucking all.=D. feeling good. bout ta go to malibu and i secretly dont want to go with my sisters client. oh, she invited her, her names michelle, great woman, but sometimes she can be like, pushy. idk. i hope its just me. anyways. im bout ta pack to go see remmizzle=DD

ps. i forgot i didnt tell you all about nina. well i invited her to my house to smoke and go to geisha house on sunday we didnt go, but she didnt show up. didnt call. didnt anything. she just didnt. part of me thinks that maybe she is tryna get me back, but i dont think she would ever be that petty. i just miss her, maybe she is just too wrapped up in her self these days. idk.

anguish with crushes, thanksgiving, friends, work, malibu

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