Aug 11, 2009 10:09
So, like, I really want to write some Trek fic because it's sort of INVADING ALL MY BRAIN SPACE. I am trying to write other things and they all end up being about space and stuff. Which, okay, in some cases that is totally justified. But anyway, the point is while that is happening, somehow I am not actually writing Trek fic for some reason.
And, so, flist, I turn to you. I wish for your requests for Happy Adventure Funtimes Trek Prompts. And I will write them. I can't promise each one will be longer than a paragraph, but damn it, I will write something.
I am proficient in TOS, AOS, and TNG. HAVE AT. Feel free to also request random crossovers. My mind is open.
And sort of DS9, but not really? Like, I remember that it's on a space station and the music was really grandiose in a good way.
Please interpret Happy Adventure Funtimes however you wish. If you have happy funtimes while wailing in grief and sadness, that is up to you.
<3 <3 <3
starfleet is forever