Jul 28, 2007 18:14
One word. Ivan.
God he's a fucking asshole, always lectuing me on how I live. This time it was spered by my Harry Potter book, which my mum showed him. He goes "Why'd you read that shit, its fictional, you need to live in the real world" So that of course made me angry, as its got nothing to do with him what I read. I said that its only a book, and I do live in the real world, the fact that I go to college and had a job shows that. He said it doesn't and I need to grow up and "get a life" because my mum wont be there to look after me forever.
I cant sit in the same room as him without him complaining about me. Fuck, I'm sooo sure his son and daughter are perfect, NOT! He goes on about my weight when both of his kids are WAY bigger than me, seriously, shut the fuck up and take a look at you own family, rather than trying to perfect mine.
Oh, and when he complained about my Harry Potter book I pointed to the TV and said "watching this is any better? its a bunch of guys in shorts running around a feild (football)" he said "this sould be turning you on! what, do you 'bat for the other team'?" god he's an asshole, he thinks he knows it all. Well fuck him!
Ah! its because he was made to grow up at an early age that means everyone else has to. But not his own kids, oh no he does EVERYTHING for them, just as bad as my mum is with us, but that ok, because we're the screw ups, not him or his family.
God I wanna hit him sometimes. He then pointed out that I dont have a job anymore, and I said that wasn't my fault, my boss wants pros in her shop and I know nothing of 'the new age'. He said "Well get another job" I said it not that simple as I live in the middle of no where and cant get to anywhere where job are. He said "ride" I pointed out that I live in a valley and riding up those hills would kill me. He said "I could do it" I then pointed out that though he might be able to do the physical stuff I'd beat him at simply turning on a computer. I then pointed out that computer skills are what you need these days, not riding a bike skills. He laughed and said I wasn't going to go anywhere, which I said I was, as I'm at college getting certificates to prove that I can do these things that are needed for the job I want.
Of course my mum made no attempt to help me, though at least she didn't take his side. He's all about "respect your elders" but wont be respectful so I am unable to respect him, as he doesn't respect me. Fuck all I wanted was a weekend alone, and now that mums dog has had an opperation she had to stay home, as Ivans a dick with mums dog and would make her sleep outside in the cold, which isn't good for her after such a big opperation. So instead of mum going to his place, he came to ours and now I have to put up with his shit, once again.
-sighs- He makes me feel like shit, and no matter how mant times I tell myself he's only being an ass it still makes me feel bad, as I can see so many flaws in myself, and i dont need him to point them out again and again as if I'm worth shit...I feel the need to call my dad and ask him to come get me, I wish I had have just gone to his place.