
Oct 25, 2009 11:26

I overheard a guy in Target yesterday telling his kid (I assume it was a girl) that she could have the pajamas or the book.

In my house, if you wanted a book - my parents bought it. Now, they probably could have taken us to the library a lot more and saved themselves a small fortune, but books were treated like food - a necessity.

I sincerely believe that it was my parents (especially my mom's) attitude towards reading that allowed me to be successful in school.

When my kids are young, Aaron and I have already discussed that we're limiting TV time and encouraging our kids to read, make art, play outside, etc etc. We'll read to and in front of them to encourage that. We'll take them to the library often so they can get new books.

I just think it's weird to make a kid choose between pajamas and a book.


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