Sep 06, 2011 19:12

  This afternoon I saw the 2011 VMAs. It was as all MTV products are: contrived and exasperatingly vapid. I don't know why MTV does this to all their shows. The absence of actual music aside (I believe that attempting to bring back music videos is an overwrought cause that has already been lost), the criticism of their current programming is ridiculously low in taste and cultural value.

I mean really, PARENTAL CONTROL? I mean I saw it a couple of times for the lulz but that show was pretty stupid. I mean does it ever occur to those parents that the reason why their child is dating an a-hole/btch is because their child is also an a-hole/btch? Seriously, I feel so bad for these parents and how they have to live with their ungrateful little batard children and STILL claim that "it was just the bad influence, my daughter's a wonderful girl eghhhh." The worst part is the kid never picks the date her parents picked out. I mean they did pick out like dckish med school students but anything is better than her annoying, disrespectful, unappreciative rockstar bf who always makes out with her in front of her parents i mean srsly wtf I can already hear the producers going like "YEAH YEAH PUT YOUR TONGUE IN THE MOUTH OF THEIR DAUGHTER DIS IS GOOD TV BIG RATINGZ BIG MONEY" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i hate that show sfmmmmm

SO FREAKING CONTRIVED MUTHA SJDKLASKJD; i'm so sorry i had to talk about it i hate that show so much and that i ended up segueing from formal-rant to aklsdjk-rant THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME LJ

now for my angry music (this particular piece is rather badarse imo):

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if there were such a thing as hipster-metal, it would sound like this band

hate, agh, tv, rant, television

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