last night, couldn't even get an answer

Sep 19, 2009 11:02

in all seriousness, last night was awesome. it just took me like 50 tries to spell last and 50 tries to type 50.

anywayyyy, my mom gave me and robin a ride over to the game. we got there early to try to see the band do their competition show but we missed it anyway. -_- so all we got to hear of the band all night was the national anthem and pep songs. eventually, gary, renee, and abby showed up and we all chilled for most of the night. me and robin spent lots of time judging everyone who walked in, lmfao. and scopin' out the hotties~

so our school won like 30 to 6. it was really fun overall. conor, nate, and allegra joined us at one point. AND KATIE WAS THERE TOO! haven't seen her in a while, but it was awesome.

after the game, talia gave me, renee, and gary a ride to the school so the band kids could change, and then her, me, renee, dan, kelsey, doug, gary, and tim walked over to big cheese. they were closing, so we went to papa gino's. we were really loud and obnoxious so I felt bad for the employees but holy shit we had so much fun. like I laughed the hardest I've laughed in a long time last night. :) it's so much fun hanging out with them, too, since I don't get to hang out with people like dan, kelsey, and doug that much. we're all going to waterfire tonight which is gonna be awesome.

sooo it's saturday. before waterfire I have lots of homework to work on and an essay due monday. but other than that, everything's been going fantastic lately. :)


saturday, football, friends, band, papa gino's

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