May 02, 2009 20:41
hmm it's probably because I woke up at 5:45 AM
but I'll get to that later
lax yesterday was AWESOME. :) we didn't win, but marissa tied it at the LAST SECOND with a fantastic shot. coach kept me in the whole game, I thanked him after the game (since it was amazing) and he said I had earned the privilege. :D I scored another goal too! I think I've got a consistent record going on. The bus rides to and from the game were sooo much fun. Tal hadn't been in school that day so we had a lot of catching up to do on the bus, haha. and we got gummi bearz too.
after the game I went to a jewelry party at Avery's house. nothing I really liked. we watched some collegehumor videos. she let me borrow twilight princess. thassit.
at like 9:30 when I got home, instead of going to bed like I should have, I went to Tim's house and hung out with him and Conor for a while, haha. we played pokemon games for a fuckin hour. it was awesome. they're so hilarious to hang out with. when I got home I friggin CRASHED though.
This morning, I had to wake up at 5:45 for community service for people to people. -_- when we got to the park it was POURING. I had to help set up tables and I somehow screwed it all up, haha. it eventually stopped raining, though. we ended up just handing out THOUSANDS of turkey sandwiches which was a lot of fun, haha. the best part was probably cleaning up at the end, though. we had to go along the five mile path and clean up the trash at all of the water stations...but we were riding in the back of an open truck. it was me, helen, taylor, adrian, evan, and raffi. SOOO MUCH FUN. haha I earned the nickname "catwoman." almost lost my orange soda. almost fell out of the truck so many times. aha it was a blast. while we were waiting for our parents to show up john did card tricks and then we played mao. haven't played that game in a while. overall, it was much better than I thought it'd be :D
at like 2ish we picked up kang, robin, and renee and we went to the art sale! There was a lot of really cute stuff but it's all sooo expensive, haha. I did manage, however, to get a pair of cute earrings and some buttons. It was so much fun with my laydeez :) after we looked through all of the tents, we went to the RISD store and then sat in the park and took pictures under the cherry blossom. :) it was such a BEAUTIFUL day out and it thrilled me being with my favorite girls. sososo much fun. providence is legit one of my favorite places in the world.
theeeen I came home and now I'm exhausted since I got like 6 hours of sleep last night. I'm in the mood to download angsty music (I'm thinking of buying You're Favorite Weapon) and playing my DS and writing stories or angsty poetry. whatevsss. I was hoping to get some hw done but that's probably not going to happen.
gahh this entry is so disjointed. I'm a mess, haha. my internet's being a total asshole tonight too, keeps signing on and off on me. laaame. and I just started talking to gary, too :( let me talk to gary! and renee!
jfdgjsgnjlkjn GODDAMNIT BOY WHY ARE YOU SO ATTRACTIVE. I can't getchu out of my head f'real. *_* lmao
people to people