Title: She’s So Lucky, She’s A Star.
Author: gabbie217
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Quinn/Rachel
Spoilers: None, this is set in the future.
Summary: Rachel goes through a transformation. Quinn silently cries out for help, but will the new Rachel hear her when no one else will?
Disclaimer: I own neither the song, nor the characters. All rights go to their respective owners.
Rachel had to fight back the urge to laugh as Finn hurried away from her at lunch, muttering about that damn mail man. And then again, when Puck started talking about how if they were really good Jews, they’d hook up.
Silly boys; Rachel is for girls!
Already a few of the jocks and Cheerios were gesturing for her to come and sit by them, and their faces fell when she smiled and shook her head.
For once in her school life, she was getting numerous offers for a spot at the ‘cool table’ and she was turning them down.
Rachel had opted to sit with her fellow Glee clubbers. They were the reason, after all, that she had undergone this transformation! To sit with any one else would defeat the purpose of trying to gain their friendship. For who else could appreciate her talent other than the Glee kids? Yes, best stick with them.
“Hey guys,” Rachel said with just the right amount of cheerfulness and cool indifference.
Kurt stared at her momentarily, and then recognition flashed across his face. “Sorry honey, but that look is going to take some getting used to.”
“Definitely,” Artie bobbed his head up and down, looking at her then looking quickly at Tina, a guilty look on his face.
Laughing quietly, Rachel sat down next to Mercedes. “So, how was everyone’s summer?”
“I got to go to Paris!” Kurt said excitedly. “I took Mercedes with me of course!” The two then proceeded to rattle off about this and that.
Tina exchanged an amused look with Rachel. It warmed Rachel’s heart. She was finally being accepted!
Quinn watched wistfully as Rachel and Tina giggled over something Kurt had said. Mercedes must have had to explain it to Artie, for when she finished speaking, he laughed too.
What she wouldn’t give to be over there, laughing, having a great time. What she wouldn’t give to be the reason Rachel laughed…
“Take a picture, lasts longer.” Santana’s voice made Quinn jump.
“What are you talking about?” Quinn asked irritated. Couldn’t Santana see that she was busy?
The Latina scoffed. “I’m not stupid, Q. I see the way you’ve been staring at her. It started before her much needed make-over. You like her. Why not grow a pair and ask her out?”
“Not that easy…” Quinn mumbled. If it were anyone other than Santana, she would have cut them down for even suggesting she liked Rachel. But this was Santana, and she knew Quinn better then she knew herself.
“She’s hot and you’re hot, what’s the problem?”
“You sound like Puck.” Quinn let out a small laugh.
“Where do you think he learned it?” Santana winked before walking off to go join Brittany at a different table.
Had it been a different year, Quinn wouldn’t have hesitated to go ask Rachel out. But… given the circumstances… best not risk it.
Striding down the hall, Rachel felt and noticed that nearly every eye was on her. Was putting different types of clothes on really all she needed to do? Because nothing else had changed, except for her not being abrasive and a nosy know it all. Or whatever the terms that had been used to describe her previous self were.
Glee was going to start in 5 minutes, but Rachel didn’t care if she was going to be late for once. It’s not like they couldn’t start without her.
“Rachel Berry! You’re a trending topic on the McKinley twitter!” Jacob yelled down the hall after her.
A yelp made her turn around; a football player shoved the boy roughly into a locker. “Leave the lady alone will ya?” he snarled. He flashed a smile and a wink at Rachel before sauntering off.
She felt stunned. None of the football players besides Noah, Finn, and Mike had ever stood up for her. Rachel had only wanted the glee clubbers to be her friends, now it seemed she was getting so much more then she dreamed possible.
Glancing at her watch, Rachel saw she was 8 minutes late. She hurried to her locker and put her books away. She didn’t have homework yet, so she was free to leave everything locked away. Not so quickly, she made her way into the choir room where everyone was gathered.
“Rachel! I was beginning to worry!” Mr. Schue exclaimed.
She didn’t make a comment, opting to just smile and take a seat next to Tina and Kurt.
The teacher looked confused, but then he shook his head and clapped his hands. “Alright, now that we’re all here, we can begin. Firstly, how was your time off?”
A bunch of “fines” and “okays” were muttered. Not even Rachel volunteered information. That was what the old Rachel would have done, not the new Rachel.
“Uh, okay then. I was thinking that for this week’s assignment we could start off with something easy. I want all of you to find a song that is old, but still very popular. It can describe your summer, tell how you’re feeling, or just be a song you love. One condition.” Mr. Schue smiled at Rachel. “No show tunes.”
He was baffled when Rachel didn’t protest. In fact, she looked almost bored! William Schuester would be the first to admit he didn’t understand the female ways, but this took the cake. Whatever had happened to Rachel… made him wonder if the old Rachel was tied up in a basement somewhere.
After talking a bit more, he dismissed them.
“Hey Rachel, could I talk to you for a second?” Quinn asked, reaching out to stop the brunette from leaving with the rest.
“Sure.” Rachel shrugged. She motioned to Mercedes that she would catch up with her later. Inside she was all a flutter. Quinn wanted to talk to her!
“I’m not sure what song to sing this Friday…” Quinn looked awkward.
Inside, Rachel deflated. That’s all she wanted to talk about? “Sorry, I don’t think I’m the person you need. This sounds more like a job for Mr. Schue, or Kurt.” Quickly before the blonde could see her disappointment, Rachel hurried after Mercedes.
“Want to go out?” Quinn whispered to the now empty room.
Tonight when the tears came, at least Quinn would be able to explain them.