Charlie Delaney died last week. He was the flute teacher at FSU and kind of a big deal and, from what I've been told, a very nice man.
They hired me to actually work (as opposed to volunteer) at the World of Bluegrass festival in September. I'll be in charge of something, and I'm very excited! Plus I'm working the door at the Awards Show pre-party for all the nominees. Yay!
Tom Petty is coming to Atlanta on Sept 22. This is AWESOME news, since that is probably the only weekend I could see him, as it's right before the WOB festival and I have to drive down to the Southeast anyway. I'll just stop by Atlanta on my way to Nashville. In case there is any confusion, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are my favorite favorite band.
My nose keeps bleeding. It's really annoying. I'm sure everyone wants to know about the excitement that is my nose, but I'm telling you anyway.
I got my hair cut. It's not a mullet and I can actually fix it, therefore I like it. It is quite short, and I think I'll keep it like this for a while.
I'm watching Alias Season 1 and enjoying it. Geoffrey why you hate it? Jennifer Garner kicks so much booty in it, it makes me want to exercise.
My plans have changed somewhat. I'm leaving Nashville on either the 28th or 29th of July and going to Atlanta (and the Shakespeare Tavern! and the dentist!), then up to RI on Aug 3, so I'll get there on Fri the 4th. Then Seafood festival on the 4th or 5th? Then CD training for a MONTH.