Info: DVD of the stage: Utsukushii Koto

Jul 17, 2010 15:52

An official announcement was made about the distribution of the DVD, the stage of Utsukushii Koto.

Info: DVD of the stage, Usukushii Koto

You'll be able to order the DVD through major CD shops in Japan, Amazon Japan and other WEB sites, which the announcement fails to mention any particular shop names.

The price of the DVD is 6,300 yen, about $70.00(including tax).
The sale starts on the third of September, 2010.
The product number is: "BLMC-1009"

If you need farther information, please let me know. I'll be of your help if you're eager to get your hands on this wonderful, I hope..., DVD.

Well, I was thrilled to obtain this DVD partly becasue I'd love to watch the different stage performance which I missed, but to my regret, this DVD was compiled from the very stage I've watched, I'm afraid. Yeah, as I recall, there were several video cameras, and one camera was actually just behind my seat and I once hit the tripod lightly, my bad...
Anyway, I'm glad that the DVD is available for the wider audiences and I hope fans oveaseas don't mind going to the trouble of ordering it and watch it legally.

This is 与那嶺圭太、Yonamine Keita, who performed Matsuoka's part, and he was just gorgeous!  He is an young actor and not popular yet in the Japanese entertainment world. I'm curious what kind of actor he'll grow into.

utukushii koto

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