It's been awhile.
So, I'm about to finish my first summer class at "Uninorte Summer Camp", Stadistics, needing 3.7 for succes.
Yeah it sounds difficult but, I'm not the only fucked up one, a lot of people have already bombed it (some needing more than 5 points (maximum) to pass). So the teacher has given us some work-to-do, equivalent to 30% of the Final, plus free bonuses if you make some extra exercises...already done, so let's see what happens...Goddam I'm sick of it!!!!!!!! I need a fucking BREAK.
I need fucking VAACATIONS!
Germany is out of the Cup, damn that fucking sucks, so let's hear it for....FRANCE!
Yeah, France. I like Portugal too, but my roots belong to France (as in "Vendríes")...although I don't speak french. Heh, pathetic.
But fuck it, go France!!
Last weekend I decided to take a breake and breathe the air by going to Bello Horizonte with my friends due to the "popular" "Fiestas del Mar.
And guess what?
It sucked balls....big time (Everything but the drunken frenzy on Sunday). Details will come later when I upload some pics.
Saliendo felices a un Infierno.
El Judge
No habia mas nada q hacer..terminamos emborrachandonos jugando cartas, despues de buscar por viejas y solo encontrar boleteria.