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Nov 10, 2004 21:09

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!

Created by -ambiguous and taken 28585 times on bzoink!
What is your favorite..gumpink orbitrestaurantapplebee'sdrinkdiet pepsiseasonwinter/falltype of weathercoldish...but not too coldemotionhappy is nicething to do on a half daywhat is that?...i like to sleeplate-night activityhanging out...sleepsportn/acitylexington's alrightstorepaisley peacockWhen was the last time you..criedcouple days agoplayed a sportover the summerlaughedjust now...thinking of when i last played a sporthugged someone5 minutes agokissed someonecouple weeks agofelt depressednot that long ago...probably yesterdayfelt elatedidk..?felt overworkedit's been a whilefaked sicki don't do that...maybe when i was littleliedi don't really do that eitherWhat was the last..word you saideitherthing you atechipsong you listened tosomething by the killersthing you drankwaterplace you went tocoffee house thingmovie you sawsawmovie you rentedcruel intentions 3...concert you attendedpmr, staple, odlWho was the last person you..huggedamandacried overdad...he was mad @ me about somethingkissedjondanced withmattshared a secret withidk..?had a sleepover withi'm having one with kat right now... i always have someone @ my housecalledmattwent to a movie withkathryn and jonathansawkathryn's with me right nowwere angry withmrs. rhody...but not bad...just frustratedcouldn't take your eyes off ofgabeobsessed overidk...i don't obsess..Have you ever..danced in the rainyeahkissed someoneyeahdone drugsnodrank alcoholyeahslept aroundnopartied 'til the sun came upsomewhathad a movie marathonyeahgone too far on a dareidk...?spun until you were immensely dizzylol...yeahtaken a survey quite like this beforesadly...
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